[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第3期:Weekend Plan周末计划(B)
I'm going to the Rockit Festival in Victoria Park I think and I'm going to see a number of bands.2014-03-27 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第4期:Weekend Plan周末计划(C)
My son's got an assessment on Monday so we'll be spending the weekend revising for his assessment.2014-03-28 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第5期:Trip To Sri Lanka斯里兰卡之行
I had to go through a third country, being Thailand. By getting there, the journey had begun2014-03-29 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第6期:Plan For Next Year来年计划(A)
This time next year, I'll be living in Australia, actually living in Perth.2014-03-29 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第7期:Plan For Next Year来年计划(B)
So most probably I will still be teaching in this English Language Centre; my usual teaching duty will include the modules like EAP and some other short courses like SEP2014-03-29 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第8期:Plan For Next Year来年计划(C)
Oh, interesting question! Well of course I will have become one year older by this time next year.2014-03-30 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第9期:Plan For Next Year来年计划(D)
I'll have lost my job, I'll have lost all my money on the Stock market2014-03-31 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第10期:Plan For Next Year来年计划(E)
By this time next year I'll have lost at least 30 kilos in weight, I'll have regrown my hair and its colour will have changed to its original black2014-04-01 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第11期:Plan For Next Year来年计划(F)
Oh, by this time next year I will have moved house, I will have got a companion pet for my dog, I hope, I will have visited Central America2014-04-01 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第12期:Perfect Holiday完美假期(A)
My ideal holiday would be surrounded with very white beaches.One of my holidays...was in Ocean grove in Australia, we were at Wire river just out of a major little town.2014-04-02 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第13期:Perfect Holiday完美假期(B)
y ideal holiday is to go to a place, nobody there, there's a tree & a hammock and nothing else2014-04-03 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第14期:Perfect Holiday完美假期(C)
My ideal holiday includes trips to Europe but the best trip I've had here in Asia has been to a place called Boracay in the Philippines2014-04-04 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第15期:Perfect Holiday完美假期(D)
My ideal holiday is to go to a place, nobody there, there's a tree & a hammock and nothing else2014-04-05 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第16期:Perfect Holiday完美假期(E)
My ideal holiday would be surrounded with very white beaches. One of my holidays ... was in Ocean grove in Australia2014-04-06 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语辅导] 雅思口语考试的五个stage
口语测试分四部分,首先握手互致问候,作自我介绍。此时可调节气氛放松心情。接着会谈及一些背景问题,主要是家庭,教育,工作等。要从容不迫,尽量把话题引向你准备充分的论题。2014-03-28 编辑:Aimee
[雅思预测] 2014年4月5日雅思口语预测小范围版(新东方版)
雅思频道为各位考生整理了2014年4月5日雅思口语预测小范围版,供考生们参考使用,更多雅思辅导请继续关注雅思频道。2014-03-31 编辑:Aimee
[雅思预测] 2014年4月5日雅思口语重点题目预测(新东方版)
雅思频道为各位考生整理了2014年4月5日雅思口语重点题目预测,供考生们参考使用,更多雅思辅导请继续关注雅思频道。2014-04-01 编辑:Aimee
[雅思口语辅导] 雅思口语备考必练的31个TOPIC
Version 01 Old person;describe an old man influenced you:1.who was he;2.when did you know him;3.what he didand explain why he influeced you2014-04-02 编辑:Aimee
[雅思口语辅导] 雅思口语高分的必经之路:短语动词
正常人都想拿高分,必经之路就是使用短语动词。烤鸭可先把雅思第一部分常见话题短语动词总结,第二部分个人陈述提前写好(也就是模版),然后用朗文词典将某些用法改成短语动词,反复练习即可。2014-04-03 编辑:Aimee
[雅思预测] 2014年4月5日雅思口语考试预测(无忧雅思版)
2014年4月5日雅思口语考试预测,供考生参考,更多相关内容请继续关注雅思频道。2014-04-04 编辑:Aimee