[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第17期:If I Had Money如果我有钱(A)
If you won $500,000 in the mark six lottery, what would you do? Think about it for a minute (time yourself) then talk about it for a minute or two.2014-04-09 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第18期:If I Had Money如果我有钱(B)
$500,000? It's not a lot really. You can't even buy a flat with that.2014-04-10 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第19期:Firtst Day at School开学第一天
This is the story of my first day at Primary school, which was so traumatic that it's amazing that I ever went back again.2014-04-11 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第20期:Christmas 圣诞节
Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, believed by Christians to be the son and representative of God on Earth. Most people celebrate on December 24th2014-04-12 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (事件)第21期:Chinese Wedding中式婚礼
Weddings have always been a big affair in China. Without them you could never (legally) have the children and grandchildren that everyone wants!2014-04-13 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (物品)第22期:Useful Software学习软件
A useful appliance that I have started using recently is a kind of software that focuses on educational games.2014-04-14 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (物品)第23期:Transportation交通方式
Hong Kong public transport is fairly cheap and fast, widely used by both residents and visitors and generally efficient.2014-04-15 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (物品)第24期:My PDA我的手机
OK, I'd like to talk about my PDA. A PDA is a personal digital assistant, which is a small computer. Really it's my second brain2014-04-16 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (物品)第25期:My Job我的工作(A)
I'm a gas man. I work for Yorkshire Electric right, but I'm a gas man reading gas meters for Yorkshire Electric.2014-04-17 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (物品)第26期:My Job我的工作(B)
I'd get up every morning not long after dawn, 6 o clock, 5 o clock's alright and then it's off down to work on the bicycle2014-04-18 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语机经] 2014年4月5日雅思口语真题回忆及解析(新东方版)
2014年4月5日雅思口语真题回忆及解析,预祝大家在考试中取得好成绩!2014-04-08 编辑:Aimee
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (物品)第27期:My Favourite Food喜爱的食物(A)
The foods that I like are natural organic foods. A lot of them are sold anywhere & everywhere, the big difference is they're not in packages2014-04-19 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语考官带读带练] 雅思口语考官带读带练 (物品)第28期:My Favourite Food喜爱的食物(B)
Cheese on toast: roast beef & yorkshire pudding's good but I like cheese on toast. It's easy, quick & you can just shove it in your mouth & run off & do all your other stuff.2014-04-20 编辑:kekenet
[雅思口语辅导] 雅思口语part 1中的习惯和频率类问题
在雅思口语考试第一部分中,经常会被问到关于习惯和频率类的问题。比如:How often do you go to the cinema ?2014-04-09 编辑:Aimee
[雅思预测] 2014年4月雅思口语预测(新东方版)
雅思频道为各位考生整理了2014年4月雅思口语预测,供考生们参考使用,更多雅思辅导请继续关注雅思频道。2014-04-10 编辑:Aimee
[雅思预测] 2014年4月12日雅思口语考试预测(无忧雅思版)
2014年4月12日雅思口语考试预测,供考生参考,更多相关内容请继续关注雅思频道。2014-04-11 编辑:Aimee
[雅思预测] 2014年4月12日雅思口语话题预测(新东方版)
雅思频道为各位考生整理了2014年4月12日雅思口语话题预测,供考生们参考使用,更多雅思辅导请继续关注雅思频道。2014-04-11 编辑:Aimee
[雅思预测] 2014年4月12日雅思阅读考试预测(无忧雅思版)
2014年4月12日雅思阅读考试预测测,供考生参考,更多相关内容请继续关注雅思频道。2014-04-11 编辑:Aimee
[雅思口语机经] 2014年4月12日雅思口语真题回忆及解析(新东方版)
2014年4月12日雅思口语真题回忆及解析,预祝大家在考试中取得好成绩!2014-04-14 编辑:Aimee
[雅思预测] 2014年4月雅思口语考题预测及答题技巧(新东方版)
2014年4月雅思口语考题预测及答题技巧,供考生们参考使用,更多雅思辅导请继续关注雅思频道。2014-04-21 编辑:Aimee