[托福口语点评] 托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题15: TPO 30
托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题15: TPO 302014-09-09 编辑:liekkas
[托福口语辅导] 6大托福口语备考方法 让你的口语流畅到底
在托福口语考试的评分中,流利是高分的重要因素之一,托福口语答案中信息点之间的衔接是否自然流畅,直接影响到大家的托福口语表达效果2014-08-25 编辑:mike
[托福口语辅导] 如何充分利用托福口语机经
多念托福口语机经的好处:头几遍肯定结结巴巴,时间都不够用,但是多说几遍,就会越来越好,舌头都会觉得越来越灵活2014-08-25 编辑:mike
[托福口语点评] 托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题16: Student often want to get
托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题16: Student often want to get better grades2014-09-10 编辑:liekkas
[托福口语点评] 托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题17: celebrations
托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题17: celebrations2014-09-11 编辑:liekkas
[托福口语点评] 托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题18: 6月机经
托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题18: 6月机经2014-09-12 编辑:liekkas
[托福口语点评] 托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题19: the most useful book for m
托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题19: the most useful book for me2014-09-15 编辑:liekkas
[托福口语点评] 托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题20: TPO20 Task 4
托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题20: TPO20 Task 42014-09-16 编辑:liekkas
[托福口语点评] 托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题21: The most important decisio
托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题21: The most important decision2014-09-17 编辑:liekkas
[托福口语辅导] 托福口语备考从哪入手
托福口语虽然是机考,减少了面对真人的紧张,但是在面对一些冷门的话题时,很多考生还是不知该如何对答.今天我们就来为大家讲一下2014-08-28 编辑:mike
[托福口语点评] 托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题23: 重要的新闻
托福口语点评批改附MP3 话题23: 重要的新闻2014-09-19 编辑:liekkas
[托福口语辅导] 托福口语题型误区分析
目前,在答托福口语题目时,很多同学的表现有如下四点,所以针对这一情况我们也为大家解析了应对方法,希望对大家有所帮助。2014-08-28 编辑:mike
[托福口语辅导] 托福口语模版:培训是否应该与职业有关?
2014年8月23日的托福口语考试中有一道题目是“Some people prefer to only take the courses that are related to their future career2014-08-26 编辑:mike
[托福口语辅导] 托福口语模版:大学食堂改变食物服务的优缺点
2014年8月23日的托福口语考试中有一道题目是“The university dining hall is changing its food service to include more healthy food with lower calories2014-08-26 编辑:mike
[托福口语TPO Task4] 托福口语TPO2 Task4(听力+解析+范文):Social interaction
People deal with each other every day. This interaction is at the heart of social life. The study of social interaction is concerned with the influence people have over one another’s behavior. Peopl..2014-08-26 编辑:alice
[托福口语TPO Task4] 托福口语TPO3 Task4(听力+解析+范文):Cognitive Dissonance
Individuals sometimes experience a contradiction between their actions and their beliefs – between what they are doing and what they believe they should be doing.2014-08-27 编辑:alice
[托福口语TPO Task4] 托福口语TPO4 Task4(听力+解析+范文):Nonverbal Languages
Nonverbal language refers to human emotional expressions without involving verbal statements. Facial expressions and body moments are the two mostly attributed types of nonverbal languages.2014-08-28 编辑:alice
[托福口语TPO Task4] 托福口语TPO5 Task4(听力+解析+范文):Target Marketing
Advertisers in the past have used radio and television in an attempt to provide information about their products to large, general audiences; it was once thought that the best way to sell a product ..2014-08-29 编辑:alice
[托福口语TPO Task4] 托福口语TPO6 Task4(听力+解析+范文):Explicit Memories an
In everyday life, when people speak of memory, they are almost always speaking about what psychologists would call explicit memories.2014-08-30 编辑:alice
[托福口语TPO Task4] 托福口语TPO7 Task4(听力+解析+范文):Behavior Modificatio
Individuals often modify their behavior based on what they have learned about the possible consequences of their actions.2014-08-31 编辑:alice