[大学英语精读第一册] 英文原著:baby mine(我的宝贝)
■点击查看听力文本■ Unit Seven: The Sampler The author finds out that good intentions alone are not enough when his attempt to be kind to an old man leaves them both feeling worse than before.The Sa2006-02-16 编辑:admin
[大学英语精读第一册] 英文原著:boyhood(孩提)
■点击查看听力文本■ Unit Six : Sam Adams,Industrial EngineerSan set out to improve efficiency at the shirt factory but, as we find out later in this unit, his plans turned out not quite as he had e2006-02-16 编辑:admin
[大学英语精读第一册] 英文原著:ballads of a bohemian(波西米
■点击查看听力文本■ Unit Eight : Yoe Go Your Way,I'll Go Mine A young boy faces the impossible task of trying to soften the blow of tragic mews.You Go Your Way, I'll Go MineThe messenger got off2006-02-16 编辑:admin
[大学英语精读第一册] 英文原著:alice’s adventures in won
■点击查看听力文本■ Unit Nine:The Brain Throughout the ages different ideas have been expressed about the working of the human brain. It is only recently, however, that science has begun to give us2006-02-16 编辑:admin
[大学英语精读第一册] 英文原著:The Black-Bearded Barbarian(黑胡
■点击查看听力文本■ Unit Ten :Going Home I first heard this story a few years ago from a girl I had met in New York's Greenwich Village. Probably the story is one of those mysterious bits of folkl2006-02-16 编辑:admin
[大学英语精读第三册] 英文原著:LETTERS FROM ENGLAND(从英特兰来的信)
Unit Nine:The Death of Hitler In the last days of World War 11, Adolf Hitler and his closest associates had sought shelter in a command bunker before the fall of Berlin. He knew that defeat was close2006-02-16 编辑:admin
[大学英语精读第三册] 英文原著:CHRONICLES OF AVONLEA(阿凡利年鉴)
Unit Seven:The Shelter Several neighbors hope to find safety in the only bomb shelter on their street when an announcement comes over the radio that enemy missiles are approaching. Can it shelter all2006-02-16 编辑:admin
[大学英语精读第三册] 英文原著:The Art of Writing(写作的艺术)
Unit Eight:Daydream a Little Daydreaming has always had reputation, but now scientific research has revealed that daydreaming may actually improve your mental health and creativity. It can even help2006-02-16 编辑:admin
[大学英语精读第三册] 英文原著:WHERE THERE’S A WILL(只要有意
Unit Six:A Day's Wait Ernest Hemingway's story is about an incident that happens between a father and his son. The small boy's misunderstanding of the difference in measuring temperat..2006-02-16 编辑:admin
[大学英语精读第三册] 英文原著:The Confession(忏悔)
Unit Five:The Day Mother Cried A mother and her son learn more form a moment of defeat than they ever could from a victory. Her example of never giving up gives him courage for the rest of his life.T2006-02-16 编辑:admin
[华尔街基础英语] 英文原著:IMAGINARY PORTRAIbook\ts(幻像)
华尔街基础英语 Lesson342. Well, here we are, back in Bighton, standing in front of our hotel.43. Today, we’re visiting new English friends of mine, who live here in Brighton.44. What?Today?45. Yes,2006-02-17 编辑:admin
[华尔街基础英语] 英文原著:The Bridge-Builders(筑桥人)
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 2 Mary: Morning! So what’s for breakfast today?Markel: Well, do you need to leave with that coffee for breakfast.Mary: Just coffee? That’s not good. I will make you the breakf2006-02-17 编辑:admin
[华尔街基础英语] 英文原著:baartock(巴托克)
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 11. Mary: I’d like to speak to Markel Benie please.2. Markel: Is that Mary?3. Mary: Yeah! Hello Markel!4. Markel: Hello Mary! How are things in Washington? 5. Mary: I’m not in2006-02-16 编辑:admin
[华尔街基础英语] 英文原著:Jane Eyre(简·爱)
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 4 1. …2. Late again, why are you always late?3. Gee, what’s the matter with you? Are there any messages for me?4. Messages for you! Of course not! wants to speak to you.5. Hey2006-02-17 编辑:admin
[华尔街基础英语] 英文原著:THE DARK LADY OF THE
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 381. Here you are dear. I’ve made some more toast. Well, Christmas will be there soon.2. Really? Why, what’s the date today?3. It’s December. 17th, there’s only eight days l2006-02-17 编辑:admin
[华尔街基础英语] 英文原著:His Last Bow(他最后一次鞠躬)
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 371. Oh, hello, Miss Hartman! So you ‘re back already. Where is Miss Tomora?2. She is still in Tokyo. She is stay with her parents.3. Oh, I see. Is she all right?4. Yes, she is2006-02-17 编辑:admin
[华尔街基础英语] 英文原著:The Disappearance of Lady
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 3652 Hi, there. This is going to be just so romantic. We have our tickets to Pairs.53 We have our passport and here we are, outside Brighton train station.54 “Brighton railway2006-02-17 编辑:admin
[华尔街基础英语] 英文原著:THE LOVE AFFAIRS OF
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 351 Well, here we are in Brighton, we’ve made up, we’ve said we’re sorry, and we’ve gotten back together again, haven’t we honey.2 Yeah, we have.3 And we’re going to have2006-02-17 编辑:admin
[华尔街基础英语] 英文原著:LAHOMA(拉霍马)
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 3444. I hope you are hungry Mary. We are having a very special Japanese dinner.45. Oh, really?46. Yes, why don’t you sit down? It will be ready in a moment.47. Yuk! What’s tha2006-02-17 编辑:admin
[华尔街基础英语] 英文原著:The Jimmyjohn Boss and&nb
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 3245. Ah! Who’s that, then? Gee, maybe it’s Mr. Henderson! I know what he’s going to say.46. I’m sorry, Mr. Berry. I made a terrible mistake. Plastic Box needs you.47. Will2006-02-17 编辑:admin