[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:Hiero(希尔罗)
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 2 18. You shouldn't smoke so much David! It's not good for you!19. Sorry, honey. I'm just a bit nervous, that's all!20. There's nothing to be nervous about. Y..2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:Twenty-Two Goblins(二十二只小女妖)
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 14 3.OK, I’m strolling amongst the records here and with me is a customer.Can you tell me your name?My name is Hagden.You are here, in the rock department. Is that your favorit2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:The Flower of the Mi
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 13 1.-My name is Mathew and I work at the Virgin megastore in Brighton store and I’m a sales assistant.-How long have you actually worked here?Two years.Long enough to have an2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:Glaucus/or The Wonders of
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 271. Have we got everything now?2. Yes. I guess so.3. Hey! How come you’ve got a plastic box van?4. It’s Sasa’s Dad’s company. He’s the chairman or something.5. Really. I u2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:On Horsemanship(骑马术)
点击此处下载音频■点击查看听力文本■ - Jackie Danuls you’re the sales and marketing manager here at South Hampton airport. What’s it like working at an airport?- I’ve been at South Hampton for 32006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:Hearbook\ts of Controversy(争论的
点击此处下载音频■点击查看听力文本■ - Now, sir. Are you about to fly?- Not today, no, not from South Hampton.- Now ,so you’re seeing someone off , are you?- Yes, yes. My colleague travels from Sou2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:AN ICELAND FISHERMAN(冰岛渔夫)
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 19 51. That’ll be $63.74, please.52. Here you are. $ 80 – keep the change!53. Excuse me, Miss!54. Yes, sir? Can I help you?55. I want to know if a Mr. Bruce Cobber has checked2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:Waifs and Strays, etc(流浪儿
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 18 1. Look, where are we going man? I tell you there’s nothing us this road.2. Take the next left.3. But there’s only a farm up there. Just a few fruit trees, that’s all.4. I2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:Helen of Troy And Ot
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 31 30. Granny P’s fruit farm! Can I help you?31. I want to speak with the boss32. I beg your pardon?33. Tell the boss that Roger Temple wants to speak with him34. Very well. Ex2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:从康希尔到大开罗
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 45 1. –My, You are a professionally trained marriage guidance counselor. Could you describe your work?-Yes, we deal with any type of relationship issue that comes our way. We u2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:The Gentle Grafter(轻柔的嫁接)
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 44 28. Good morning. Mrs. Temple! Have a seat, won’t you? Dr Hargreaves told me about you. 29. That I was going crazy?30. Are you going crazy?31. No, I meant: was that what Dr2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:The Grey Brethren(阴郁的教友们)
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 43 1. Come in!2. Good afternoon, Mrs. Temple. How are we getting along3. Go sit down, won’t you?4. I’d like another prescription for Oblivac, please.5. I see. Any particular r2006-03-03 编辑:admin
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 33 Tact and diplomacy, very important qualities for this very difficult job. And is it a more difficult job for a woman officer? Are woman police constable Hanks duty’s the sa2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:THE GOLDEN THRESHOLD(金色的门槛)
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 32 WPC Helen Hanks and I’m stationed in Lewes Police Station which is in the county of “Sussex” in English. My name is Stephen Rowle. I’m a police constable in “Sussex” p2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:Stories To Tell To C
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 54-Let’s talk about English as a language. Is it very difficult to learn?7. –I think it is perhaps, to master, I think it’s one of the most difficult of the European language2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:THE CHILDREN(孩子们)
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 53 1. –My name is Michael Crane and I teach English as a foreign language.-Have you always been a teacher?-I have been a teacher for the last 20 years, but I’ve also done othe2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:THE COLOUR OF LIFE(生命之色)
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 52 Apartment 3C, 11 Truleigh Court, February 11thDear Mom,I thought I’d just write you letter to tell you how I’m doing, as it’s quite a long time since I last saw you. As yo2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:霍华德派尔的海盗故事丛书
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 6020. Here’s Hugo Peters, sir.21. Hello, Peters. Here you are, then.22. Hello, sir. You’re looking very well.23. Yes, I’m glad to have you where I want you at last, Peters.242006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:The Darrow Enigma(达罗之迷)
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 58 What can we do for you, Sir?I’d like to rent a car, please.That’s what we’re here for, Sir. I know you’re going to enjoy renting from us. Our motto is “A happy customer2006-03-03 编辑:admin
[华尔街中级英语] 英文原著:The Governess(家庭女教师)
华尔街中级英语 Lesson 59 1. So you called John, right?2. That’s right.3. My name’s Maurice. Is this the first time you’ve been to our lovely island of Trinidad?4. Yes, it is. Is it much farther to2006-03-03 编辑:admin