[野性新世界] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(12)
Beneath one mammoth's shoulder blade was the skull of a coyote, pressed into the ground. 在一只猛犸象的肩胛骨下方,有具草原狼的头骨被压入地面下,While we can only speculate on just how the coyote died,现在我们只能推断草原狼究竟是怎么死的。2023-10-20 编辑:phoenix
[野性新世界] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(13)
As well as being tough enough to stand extremes of temperature, they're famous for their speed.他们坚毅强悍,足以撑过极为严寒的气温,并以它们的速度闻名。A sprinting pronghorn can top 60 miles an hour and cruise at 30 for se..2023-10-21 编辑:phoenix
[野性新世界] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(14)
13,000 years ago, the ice age cheetah was the pronghorn's greatest enemy. 在13,000年前的冰河时代,猎豹是叉角羚的天敌。And pronghorn would have needed all their amazing speed. 叉角羚以其令人惊叹的速度著称。2023-10-22 编辑:Andersen
[野性新世界] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(16)
让我们穿越到13,000年前,重新感受生活在冰河时代美洲大平原北部的动物们一天的生活。现在正处于清晨,漫长炎热的夏季即将结束。即使是主河流的流速也开始放缓。哥伦比亚猛犸象沿着河谷行进。他们不能远离水源,以免置身脱水的危险。2023-10-24 编辑:Andersen
[野性新世界] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(17)
在这一小片区域的腐肉吸引来了短面熊,腐肉是它的主食。凭借极度敏感的嗅觉和长长的前肢,短面熊为了寻找腐肉能一天行进数英里。它闻到了气味,可肉在哪?有时,体型更小,速度更快的食腐动物能够更快找到腐肉,这次恰恰是一只丛林狼。2023-10-25 编辑:Andersen
[野性新世界] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(15)
冰河时代的狮子比当今任何一种狮子的体型都更加巨大,他们应该是一种可怕的捕猎者。这些山洞可能是他们冬天的洞穴。能在平原上进行大量的捕猎游戏,这些狮子的生活一定十分惬意。2023-10-23 编辑:Andersen
[野性新世界] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(18)
The scene is set for a daily ice age drama. Only the very largest are safe now.这一场面在冰河时代每一天都在上演。现在,只有大型动物才能自保其身。2023-10-26 编辑:Andersen
[野性新世界] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(19)
But their success hasn't gone unnoticed. From many miles away, the short-faced bear can smell blood on the breeze. He sniffs his way towards the source2023-10-27 编辑:Andersen
[野性新世界] 探索发现:北美大平原 American Serengeti(20)
This trail leads to the cave and the freshly dead bison, just out of reach.这条路通向凹陷的洞穴,洞穴里的是刚死不久的北美野牛,短面熊够不到尸体。2023-10-28 编辑:Andersen
[野性新世界] 探索发现: 冰期绿洲 Ice Age Oasis(1)
This is Florida, a taste of the tropical, one of the world's most popular holiday destinations. Here mankind's unquenchable desire to explore and colonise reaches astronomical proportions.2023-10-29 编辑:Andersen
[经济学人科技系列] 经济学人:深海探索 宝瓶时代
3月25日,这位执导过终结者、泰坦尼克和阿凡达的导演来到了距关岛500千米的马里亚纳海沟,一头扎进了挑战者深渊。2013-07-17 编辑:mike
[野性新世界] 探索发现: 冰期绿洲 Ice Age Oasis(2)
By piecing together the evidence these creatures left behind, we can build a picture of this sub-tropical corner of the continent as it was 13,000 years ago.2023-10-30 编辑:Andersen
[野性新世界] 探索发现: 冰期绿洲 Ice Age Oasis(4)
At first sight, manatees might look like seals or dolphins. But in fact, some of their closest relatives live on land. These toenails are the giveaway, remarkably similar to those of elephants.2023-11-01 编辑:Andersen
[野性新世界] 探索发现: 冰期绿洲 Ice Age Oasis(3)
This creates steam in oasis and a profusion of life. Today, these warm springs are a refuge for one of Florida's most tropical inhabitants.2023-10-31 编辑:Andersen
[野性新世界] 探索发现: 冰期绿洲 Ice Age Oasis(5)
But the glyptodont wasn't a reptile. So what was it? There is a relative of the glyptodont that’s still alive today. 但是雕齿兽却并不是爬行动物。那它又属于什么动物呢?如今还存活着一种与雕齿兽存在“血缘关系”的动物。2023-11-02 编辑:Andersen
[野性新世界] 探索发现: 冰期绿洲 Ice Age Oasis(6)
These holes are the unmistakable hallmark of a violent death. Their shape suggest they were made by the teeth of a big cat, but which one?2023-11-03 编辑:Andersen
[野性新世界] 探索发现: 冰期绿洲 Ice Age Oasis(7)
But most significant of all, the jaguar has a tell-tale trademark. Instead of going for the neck or snout like most cats do, it kills with a crushing bite through the skull into the brain.2023-11-04 编辑:Andersen
[野性新世界] 探索发现: 冰期绿洲 Ice Age Oasis(8)
But how did one man and a spear produce the huge force behind this blow? The answer lies with small bits of ivory like this. They were once part of an atlatl, or spear thrower.2023-11-05 编辑:Andersen
[野性新世界] 探索发现: 冰期绿洲 Ice Age Oasis(9)
The cold climate conifer forests of the north displaced broadleaved woodlands. Plants and animals were gradually pushed south to find a warmer climate.2023-11-06 编辑:Andersen
[野性新世界] 探索发现: 冰期绿洲 Ice Age Oasis(10)
This is the Virginia opossum, a tree dweller found throughout many of the southern states. It's the only North American marsupial.2023-11-07 编辑:Andersen