[牛仔裤的夏天] 《牛仔裤的夏天》视听精讲第6期:我想走进你的心
原文视听影片讲述了四个妙龄少女和一条会飞的牛仔裤之间的故事。在一个旧货店,他们发现一条适合四个人体形的牛仔裤。尽管这四个女孩体形、个头和欣赏力各不相同,但这条神奇的牛仔裤却总能适合她们。在接下来的一个2012-02-15 编辑:lily
[广告狂人] 《广告狂人》第一季视听精讲第8期:什么才是所谓的真爱?
原文视听So...you're going to ply me with drinks你想让酒来麻痹我and convince me what a terrible mistake I'm making.然后让我确信我做出了一个多么糟糕的决定That is quite a drink.这个酒确实不错You2012-03-05 编辑:lily
[广告狂人] 广告狂人》第一季视听精讲第6期:永远像个恳求者
原文视听Now, do not be nervous, but this is the nerve center of the office.现在 不要紧张 但是这可是办公室的紧张中心You and your boss rely on the willing and cheerful cooperation of a few skilled empl2012-03-01 编辑:lily
[盗梦空间] 《盗梦空间》视听精讲第5期:不做梦的人是可耻的
原文视听Our ride's on the roof.飞机在屋顶了Right.好的.Hey, are you okay?嘿,你没事吧?Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. Why?我很好,问这干吗.Well, down in the dream, Mal showing up.在梦里,玛尔出现了.Look, I2012-03-05 编辑:lily
[盗梦空间] 《盗梦空间》视听精讲第3期:凡有所相,皆为虚妄
原文视听He will not wake.他不醒Give him the kick.让他穿越What?什么?Dunk him.扔浴缸里He's out.他醒了You came prepared, hmm?你是有备而来的 对吧?Not even my head of security knows this apartment.How2012-03-01 编辑:lily
[夜访吸血鬼] 《夜访吸血鬼》视听精讲第2期:棺材里的生活
原文视听LOUIS: Perhaps you'd like another cigarette?[qh]你要再抽支烟吗?[qh]MALLOY: Oh yes. Is it bother you or not?[qh]哦,对。会不会影响你?[qh]LOUIS: No.[qh]不。[qh]MALLOY: I don't assume2012-02-22 编辑:lily
[看老友记学英语] 美剧随身听之《老友记》(57)大家来看戏吧
原文视听Rachel: (reading the program) Ooh! Look! Look! Look! Look, there's Joey's picture! This is so exciting![qh]哦!看看看看!有Joey的照片!太让人激动了![qh]Chandler: You can always spot2019-07-27 编辑:lily
[新乌龙女校] 《新乌龙女校》视听讲解第2期:废物学校
原文视听Hello, Camilla. Mr Darcy, stop that at once.[qh]你好,卡米拉。埃希先生,安静一会好吗?[qh]Go to your happy place.[qh]乖乖听话[qh]Carnaby Fritton. Oh, I haven't heard a word from you in ov2012-02-22 编辑:lily
[《生活大爆炸》原声] 美剧《生活大爆炸》精讲附视频 第68期:向前辈请教
原文视听Man:Can I talk to you about something?[qh]嘿Leonard,咱谈谈成吗?[qh]Leonard:sure, What's up?[qh]行啊,啥事?[qh]Man:Remember I went out with Penny, a couple weeks ago?[qh]记得几周前我和2012-02-22 编辑:lily
[影视动态] 《兄弟连》人物原型"山羊"康普顿去世 享年90岁
BURLINGTON, Wash. — Lynn D. Buck Compton, a veteran whose World War II exploits were depicted in the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers, has died, his family said.Compton died Saturday in Burlington, W2012-03-05 编辑:lily
[影视动态] 《夏洛克》筹拍第三季 大反派莫里亚蒂不回归
IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN SEASON 2 OF ‘SHERLOCK’ BEWARE, SPOILERS IN THIS ARTICLE: Though some fans were expecting Moriarty to be a recurring character throughout the BBC Sherlock series,2012-03-05 编辑:lily
[影视动态] 《教父》迎来公映40周年纪念 将重登美国银幕
The classic movie The Godfather arrived in cinemas 40 years ago this month-and changed the course of film history.The film was adapted from Mario Puzo’s 1969 book of the same name, which became2012-03-05 编辑:lily
[影视动态] "夺宝奇兵"蓝光套装发售预告 四部曲今秋上市
The Lost Ark will finally be resurrected in High Definition!Fans of the original "Indiana Jones" films consider it something of a crime that the only film starring the swashbuckling archaeologist tha2012-03-05 编辑:lily
[影视动态] 美剧《斯巴达》男星加盟电影《虎胆龙威》
Die Hard 5 will be titled A Good Day to Die Hard,Shooting begins in January 2012 .Remember how the first one took place during Christmas time? Now this one’s coming out for Valentine’s Da2012-03-05 编辑:lily
[《生活大爆炸》原声] 美剧《生活大爆炸》精讲附视频 第69期:因果报应
原文视听Sheldon:All right, what if we use this twoinch PVC[qh]好的,如果我们用这两英尺的聚氯乙烯[qh]to reinforce the center crosssupport?[qh]来改造中心支撑结构怎样?[qh]Howard:No good.[qh]不行。[qh]2012-02-24 编辑:lily
[盗梦空间] 《盗梦空间》视听精讲第1期:现实并不存在,我们身陷其中
原文视听Are you here to kill me?你是来杀我的吗?I know what this is.我知道这是什么I 've seen one before.我之前见过Many, many years ago.那是在很多很多年前It belonged to a man I met in a half rememb2012-02-28 编辑:lily
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(49) 怪人秀
原文视听Unlike Miranda, I wasn't ready to ac-cept that all single men were freaks.[qh]我不同意米兰达的说法,单身男子不一定是怪人。[qh]I was so optimistic, I had actually a-greed to go on my first2012-02-28 编辑:jasmine
[成长的烦恼第一季] 《成长的烦恼》视听精讲第一季第10期:好动的迈克
原文视听本剧主要讲述住在纽约长岛的西佛一家的日常生活故事,是中国大陆较早引进的国外情景喜剧,在中国从1990年一直播出至1994年。1990年代初期一经播出就引发了收视高潮,片中迈克开朗调皮的形象为广大观众所喜爱2012-02-28 编辑:beck
[看老友记学英语] 美剧随身听之《老友记》(58)看到一个美女
原文视听[Scene: The Theater, the play has ended and everyone is applauding. As soon as the cast leaves, the gang all groan and sit down heavily.]Rachel: God. I feel violated.[qh]天呐。我觉得被亵渎了。2019-07-28 编辑:lily
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(51) 纽约葬礼
原文视听There are only two times when it's appropriate......to wear the little black dress in daylight.[qh]只有两种情形适合在白天穿黑色礼服。[qh]One involves leaving a party way too late.[qh]一种2012-03-01 编辑:jasmine