[桔子口语] blue in the face 不是“脸都蓝了”,意思你绝对猜不到!
She was blue in the face. 她脸色铁青。2021-06-02 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “凉凉”用英语怎么说?和cool可一点关系没有
India is now in a living hell.印度现在就是人间炼狱2021-05-28 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] in good hands 是啥意思?居然和手无关!
Your kids are in good hands.你的孩子被照料得很好2021-06-03 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 怼人必备!“令人作呕”除了 feel sick还可以怎么说?
This is absolutely vom-worthy!这简直令人呕吐!2021-06-03 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] What's cooking可不是问你在煮什么!
What's cooking in here? 这里怎么了?2021-06-03 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “二胎”的英文咋说?second baby?当然不是!
She was pressured to have another child. 她被催生二胎2021-06-06 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] Sadfishing是啥意思?你该不会以为是悲伤的鱼吧
Sadfishing has become very common on social media. 卖惨在社交媒体上变得很常见了。2021-06-07 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “女权”用英语咋说,Woman's power?!
A Chinese auntie went on a solo road trip. Now, she's a feminist icon. 一位中国阿姨开始独自一人的自驾游,现在她成了女权的偶像。2021-06-07 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “第二次机会”除了Second Chance还能怎么说?
Everyone likes a Mulligan. 每个人都喜欢有第二次机会。2021-06-07 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 花瓶美女用英语怎么说?Flower lady?
She is always seen as eye candy, but there's more to her than that. 她总被人看做是一个“花瓶”美女,但她远远不止这点。2021-06-08 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 你笑起来真好看不用「beautiful」,不用「pretty」?
Her best accessory is a big, pearly-white smile. 她最亮眼的标志是明眸皓齿的笑容。2021-06-08 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “wouldn't hurt a fly” 别以为老外在说你胆子小
He wouldn't hurt a fly. 他很善良。2021-06-08 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] "打小报告"歪果仁怎么说? little report?
Please don't tell me on.请别打我的小报告。2021-06-04 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “ cried her heart out ”啥意思,把心脏都哭出来了
She cried her heart out. 她痛哭不止2021-06-09 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 杂交水稻之父袁隆平逝世,国士无双!
He was the national hero who pulled millions out of starvation. 他是一个让无数人免遭饥荒的英雄。2021-06-04 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “一文不值”用英语怎么说?不要只会用worthless啦!
It's not worth a hill of beans.这东西一文不值。2021-06-05 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 辣眼睛”真的是spicy eyes吗?
This is so hard on the eyes. 这也太辣眼睛了。2021-06-05 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 外国人说“ ladies' man”啥意思?娘娘腔?
He's a real ladies' man! 他非常有女人缘!2021-06-05 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 抛弃还在用abandon?一个词教你更地道的表达!
she ditched her signature baggy clothes. 她抛弃了她标致性的超大松垮的衣服。2021-06-09 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “混血儿”怎么翻,Mix blood people?
A person of mixed blood has an edge an appearance. 混血儿颜值上有优势。2021-06-09 编辑:clover