[VOA慢速-时事新闻] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):北三角移民施压美国与墨西哥
牧师费尔南多·奎瓦斯(Fernando Cuevas)目睹了移民走下危地马拉边境小镇的教堂台阶,前往墨西哥。他看到大大小小的人群在小镇聚集,竞相搭乘将他们送往墨西哥的小型船只。2019-07-05 编辑:clover
[2019年下半年VOA常速英语] VOA常速(翻译+字幕+讲解):为中美洲移民出资无法解决深层次问题
The issue I think with enforcement is that instead of coming along routes that are safer to travel on or, you know, presenting themselves to immigration agents, people will seek more dangerous for u..2019-07-09 编辑:Emma
[2019年下半年AP News] AP News一分钟新闻:密西西比州海滩不可游泳
密西西比州海滩上的游泳者被告知不要下水,因为有有毒细菌。2019-07-12 编辑:Melody
[2019年下半年英国新闻] 英国新闻讲解附字幕:乌克兰正在磋商总理人选
More than a thousand firefighters are being deployed in central Portugal to tackle three wildfires that have forced at least one village to be evacuated. One person has been seriously injured with b..2019-07-23 编辑:Wendy
[2019年下半年AP News] AP News一分钟新闻:司法部宣布将处决联邦囚犯
自2013年以来,司法部首次宣布将处决联邦囚犯。2019-07-29 编辑:Melody
[PBS新闻简讯] 意大利发生政治危机
In Syria, the dominant militant group in Idlib province retreated from a key town, in a new blow to rebel forces.2019-08-21 编辑:Wendy
[VOA常速英语视频] 特朗普对移民的态度
Arturo Balbino entered the U.S. illegally 14 years ago. He has an American wife and children,2019-08-22 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 特朗普政府又出新政策
Police in Zimbabwe today cracked down on opposition demonstrators in the capital, as they enforced a ban on anti-government protests.2019-08-19 编辑:Wendy
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:密西西比大突袭行动
There was an analysis done by TRAC at Syracuse University that looked at the number of prosecutions against employers and they found that from April 282019-08-19 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 美联储对未来的预期
The chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, is playing down the risk of recession.2019-09-09 编辑:Wendy
[《英用》播客] 第38期 纽约听起来很美?嗯,有钱也不住~Immigration(1)
The coastal areas of China are the most-populated parts of the country.2019-09-01 编辑:hoy
[《英用》播客] 第39期 Ray有点颠覆Julie对唐人街的印象…Immigration(2)
You almost cover up 40 kilometers.2019-09-02 编辑:hoy
[《英用》播客] 第40期 谨慎民族的移民优势…Immigration(3)
How would you find your accommodation?2019-09-03 编辑:hoy
[PBS新闻简讯] 谷歌面临调查
Back in this country, the U.S. Coast Guard rescued three of four crew members trapped inside a South Korean cargo ship off the coast of Georgia.2019-09-11 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 边境墙资金问题
have shown post-traumatic stress and other mental health issues. They included heightened fear and feelings of abandonment.2019-09-06 编辑:Wendy
[VOA慢速-今日美国] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):美最高法院支持限制移民庇护
周三晚间,美国最高法院裁定,解除阻止美国南部边境庇护申请者新规生效的法庭命令。2019-09-16 编辑:clover
[VOA慢速-时事新闻] VOA慢速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):移民母亲和儿童起诉庇护禁令
一群移民母亲和儿童起诉了美国政府。他们称,特朗普政府禁止他们进入美国的行为“不合理”,侵犯了他们作为难民的权利。2019-09-19 编辑:clover
[2019年下半年AP News] AP News一分钟新闻:科学家发现系外行星上的水蒸气
科学家们在太阳系外的一颗适合生命生存的行星上发现了水。2019-09-27 编辑:Melody
[2019年下半年VOA常速英语] VOA常速(翻译+字幕+讲解):帮助缓解美国移民危机的区域伙伴
August saw a precipitous decline in the number of people apprehended by the United States at its southwest border.2019-09-29 编辑:Magi
[PBS新闻简讯] 美对俄调查的新进展
A federal judge Washington today ruled that the House impeachment inquiry is legal and ordered the Department of Justice2019-10-28 编辑:Wendy