[吉米鸡毛秀] "蜘蛛侠"原来是个大酒鬼
今晚的嘉宾是一个超级天才、超级英雄 他现在正在帮忙运营一家家庭慈善基金—兄弟信托2020-05-28 编辑:Vicki
[吉米肥伦秀] 你到底在说什么?
Here's how the game works. One person puts on these headphones with loud music playing,2020-05-29 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 黑钻石演唱会
Before we talk tour, you have a little boy, right. Yes. How old is he?2020-05-30 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 古老的专利
Guys, I love hearing about new inventions. And every new invention has a patent.2020-06-01 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 不需要阅读的书籍
Before we start, I want you all to know that every book that I'm about to show you is 100% real.2020-06-02 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 祝你好胃口
Before we get to the cake, I want to talk about your show Gourmet Makes. It's a very fun idea.2020-06-03 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 蒂姆·威廉森的独秀
Live from the Haywood Theater, it's Tim Williamson. It's only February. And it's so cold. February 2020 might be the longest month ever!2020-06-04 编辑:Wendy
[吉米鸡毛秀] 是什么样的洗发水能让想象力驰骋?
你知道 在大家都被关在家里的时候 浴室就是我的避难所 一个可以让我独自思考的地方2020-06-05 编辑:Vicki
[吉米肥伦秀] 特朗普和布隆伯格的对话
There's only one thing left to do... make cold calls to normal, everyday Americans and try to win back their support.2020-06-05 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 种类猜谜游戏
Higgins, want to explain how this works? Higgins, come on. Come on. You'll choose a category. Okay. Right?2020-06-11 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 盒子里面是什么东西?
Here's how it works. We have nine mystery boxes containing objects no one has ever seen before.2020-06-12 编辑:Wendy
[吉米鸡毛秀] 吉米和达妹竟然是邻居,达妹新剧《高音》即将上映
今天我们的嘉宾是一位好莱坞大明星 同样也是我的一个好邻居2020-06-12 编辑:Vicki
[吉米鸡毛秀] 爆笑:美国著名演员"豪伊·曼德尔"教你如何洗手
我今天要教的是科学 还是艺术?我想说的是 科学+艺术2020-06-13 编辑:Vicki
[吉米鸡毛秀] "美国士兵下跪"视频主角柯克·帕尔莫访谈
我们今晚的嘉宾是一位女演员、一位活动家、一位唱片艺术家以及一位脱口秀主持人2020-06-16 编辑:Vicki
[吉米鸡毛秀] 忙碌的吉列尔莫-迪克西赞助
我知道我看上好像没什么烦恼的样子 但是我在“盘子”上忧虑甚多2020-06-19 编辑:Vicki
[吉米肥伦秀] 市长的发言
A lot of mayors across the country have been talking about how they're going to change their cities in response to the Black Lives Matter protests.2020-06-17 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 小特的艾滋病疫苗
Welcome to The Tonight Show, everybody. Thank you so much for tuning in. I appreciate it. What a show we have for you tonight.2020-06-19 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 亚马逊的声明
Some business news...I saw that, due to concerns over racial bias, Amazon recently suspended police access to their facial-recognition technology.2020-06-18 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 2020年的中场休息
Go on, git. Go on, git, couple where one person wears the mask and not the other.2020-06-20 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 如何去除焦虑症状
Finally, there's a lot going on in the world right now, so a lot of people have been dealing with stress by turning to meditation.2020-06-21 编辑:Wendy