[吉米鸡毛秀] 吉米给学前班毕业的5岁女儿做职业规划
史上最奇怪的学年终于结束了2020-06-23 编辑:Vicki
[吉米鸡毛秀] 安东尼,吉米,吉列尔莫,罗尼2k,联机打篮球
嘿 大家好 欢迎来到“家庭版吉米鸡毛秀”2020-06-24 编辑:Vicki
[吉米肥伦秀] 小特的喝水方式
You know what? Today is the end of the week. And I feel like I need to send out my thank-you notes.2020-06-24 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 抖音上的搞笑视频
Well, it's Wednesday, and we do a segment on our show called What Are You Doing Wednesdays,2020-06-25 编辑:Wendy
[吉米鸡毛秀] 吉列尔莫的家庭版学校毕业典礼
父亲的角色是美妙的 详述如下:2020-06-29 编辑:Vicki
[吉米鸡毛秀] 吉米要去度假了,新的主持人是谁呢?
哦 关于我的未来我还有一点想要说的是……今晚是这个夏天我的最后一期节目了2020-07-01 编辑:Vicki
[吉米肥伦秀] 夏天戴口罩
Hey, guys, it's Friday, and that's usually when I check my inbox, I return some e-mails, and of course I write out thank-you notes.2020-07-01 编辑:Wendy
[吉米鸡毛秀] 吉米嘲讽中国,特朗普满嘴跑火车,实在忍无可忍!
哦 嗨 又见面了 我是吉米·坎摩尔 感谢观看我的家庭版吉米鸡毛秀 美利坚合众国今天的情况要好多了2020-06-06 编辑:Vicki
[吉米肥伦秀] 彭斯不戴口罩
Hi, everybody. Thank you so much for tuning in to The Tonight Show. I really appreciate it. What a show we have tonight, honey...2020-07-03 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 如何保证安全抗议
And finally with everything going on in the world, people are sharing a lot of information on how to stay safe.2020-07-04 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 周三你会做什么?
It is time for What Are You Doing Wednesday? What are you doing? It's Wednesday. What are you doing? It's Wednesday.2020-07-08 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 真正的改变在哪里?
And the protests are finally starting to cause some real change.2020-07-09 编辑:Wendy
[吉米鸡毛秀] 跟着美国著名画家鲍伯·鲁斯学画画
你知道 吉列尔莫之前说自己天天待屋里快要憋疯了2020-07-10 编辑:Vicki
[吉米肥伦秀] 桑德斯谈论黑人抗议
Senator Sanders, thank you so much for being on our show and coming back to it.2020-07-10 编辑:Wendy
[吉米鸡毛秀] 鏂板啝骞稿瓨鑰
我们今晚的第一位嘉宾是一位原创喜剧之王 有自己的全国联合电台节目2020-07-11 编辑:Vicki
[吉米肥伦秀] 男子汉口罩
It seems like a lot of guys are having a hard time wearing masks because they feel like it makes them look weak.2020-07-15 编辑:Wendy
[吉米鸡毛秀] 变性人拉弗恩·考克斯访谈
我今晚的嘉宾是艾美奖提名女演员和艾美奖获奖制片人2020-07-16 编辑:Vicki
[吉米肥伦秀] 我喜欢这个调调
Everyone knows style when they see it, but sometimes good style gets overlooked. Not anymore. It's time for I Like Your Style.2020-07-16 编辑:Wendy
[吉米肥伦秀] 好莱坞剧本
Lately it may seem like the world has lost its luster, but one place that never stops sparkling is Tinsel Town.2020-07-17 编辑:Wendy
[吉米鸡毛秀] 喜剧演员埃里克·安德烈和妈妈一起抽大麻,爆笑
我今晚的嘉宾是一位才华横溢的喜剧演员 他终于把自己的处女作给了一位叫“网飞”的幸运女士2020-07-17 编辑:Vicki