[PBS新闻简讯] 玻利维亚的抗议成果
In the day's other news: Officials said a 16-year-old student clearly planned an attack on his Southern California high school2019-11-18 编辑:Wendy
[2019年下半年NPR News] NPR讲解附字幕:油价上涨引伊朗百城抗议 美国务卿声援示威者言论遭驳斥
伊朗政府正在努力镇压因油价上涨而引发的大规模抗议。2019-11-21 编辑:aimee
[PBS新闻简讯] 阿尔及利亚的抗议
A Justice Department report, internal report, concludes that political bias did not affect the FBI's probe of links between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia.2019-11-25 编辑:Wendy
[2019年下半年英国新闻] 英国新闻讲解附字幕:几内亚比绍发生暴乱
The US Supreme Court judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been admitted to hospital suffering from chills and a fever.2019-11-26 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 布隆伯格竞选总统
The head of Iran's hard-line Revolutionary Guard threatened the U.S. and others today over last week's protests in his country.2019-11-26 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 马塞诸塞全面限制电子烟
Violence surged overnight in Lebanon, and dozens of people were hurt. Riot troops were called out in Tripoli, as supporters and opponents of the country's president fought each other.2019-11-28 编辑:Wendy
[2019年下半年NPR News] NPR讲解附字幕:哥伦比亚爆发大规模抗议 南美多国深陷动荡
最近几周,骚乱在多个南美国家蔓延。2019-11-28 编辑:aimee
[纽约时报] 纽约时报:汽油涨价引发抗议 伊朗政府发动血腥镇压(1)
汽油涨价引发抗议 伊朗政府发动血腥镇压2019-12-04 编辑:hepburn
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:伊拉克总理引咎辞职
The growing protest movement in Iraq has claimed dozens more new casualties today. The prime minister says that he will step down, giving in to public demands.2019-12-03 编辑:Wendy
[2019年下半年NPR News] NPR讲解附字幕:总理辞职难解政治乱局 恐惧与暴力蔓延伊拉克
这是一场革命。这是一名伊拉克男子在接受《卫报》采访时所说。2019-12-04 编辑:aimee
[纽约时报] 纽约时报:汽油涨价引发抗议 伊朗政府发动血腥镇压(2)
汽油涨价引发抗议 伊朗政府发动血腥镇压2019-12-05 编辑:hepburn
[纽约时报] 纽约时报:汽油涨价引发抗议 伊朗政府发动血腥镇压(3)
汽油涨价引发抗议 伊朗政府发动血腥镇压2019-12-10 编辑:hepburn
[2019年下半年CNN news] CNN双语新闻(翻译+字幕+讲解):伊朗上调油价引发全国性抗议
今天CNN10分钟新闻的首则消息聚焦伊朗的社会和政治问题。2019-12-10 编辑:aimee
[VOA常速英语视频] 黎巴嫩面临的危机
Lebanon has the highest population of refugees per capita in the world, more than a fifth of the country by most counts.2019-12-10 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 反兴奋剂机构公布结果
In France, mass strikes kicked off the workweek with near standstill commutes.2019-12-10 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 新西兰火山喷发
New disclosures tonight about the deadly crashes of Boeing 737 MAX jets.2019-12-12 编辑:Wendy
[PBS新闻简讯] 巴基斯坦前领导人被判死刑
Pakistan's former military ruler Pervez Musharraf was sentenced to death in absentia today.2019-12-18 编辑:Wendy
[2019年下半年英国新闻] 英国新闻讲解附字幕:印度爆发大规模抗议
印度的几个城市爆发了抗议活动,反对一项有争议的新法律,批评人士称该法具有歧视性。2019-12-18 编辑:Ceciliya
[纽约时报] 纽约时报:汽油涨价引发抗议 伊朗政府发动血腥镇压(4)
汽油涨价引发抗议 伊朗政府发动血腥镇压2019-12-11 编辑:hepburn
[纽约时报] 纽约时报:汽油涨价引发抗议 伊朗政府发动血腥镇压(5)
汽油涨价引发抗议 伊朗政府发动血腥镇压2019-12-12 编辑:hepburn