[经济学人科技系列] 经济学人:熊猫遗传学:熊猫的第二拇指(1)
The anatomy-related adaptations were those that seemed to control the development of the pandas’ second thumbs.与生物体结构相关的基因有可能控制熊猫第二拇指的生长。2018-05-16 编辑:clover
[经济学人科技系列] 经济学人:熊猫遗传学:熊猫的第二拇指(2)
Both lysine and arginine are abundant in meat, but in short supply in bamboo.肉类中富含赖氨酸和精氨酸,而在竹子中却很缺乏。2018-05-17 编辑:clover
[经济学人科技系列] 经济学人:熊猫遗传学:熊猫的远亲是谁?(2)
And, as Dr Hu observes in a paper just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they do.正如胡博士刚刚在《美国国家科学院院报》发表的论文中所说的,它们确实共有。2018-05-15 编辑:clover
[经济学人科技系列] 经济学人:空间探索:拂去尘埃(1)
A new space suit could resist the damaging effects of sharp lunar dust.一款新型的宇航服能够抵抗尖利的月尘带来的破坏性影响。2018-05-21 编辑:clover
[经济学人科技系列] 经济学人:空间探索:拂去尘埃(2)
At the same time a growing number of private firms have ambitions to mine precious metals from those celestial bodies, too.同时,许多私营公司都有从那些天体中开采贵金属的野心。2018-05-22 编辑:clover
[经济学人科技系列] 经济学人:车辆引擎管理:省油的电脑程序(1)
But it is not only the driving of them that will benefit.这不仅能给驾驶本身带来方便。2018-05-18 编辑:clover
[经济学人科技系列] 经济学人:车辆引擎管理:省油的电脑程序(2)
Ideally, such a system would be fed its route and destination in advance, to make things easier to calculate.理想条件下,该系统会事先被预设路线与目的地,以使计算变得更为容易。2018-05-19 编辑:clover
[经济学人商业系列] 经济学人:商业模式:欧洲央行的货币刺激政策
Mario Draghi defended negative rates in a speech to the legislative assembly in the Netherlands.Mario Draghi在荷兰立法会上的一次演说中为负利率辩护。2018-05-24 编辑:clover
[经济学人商业系列] 经济学人:商业模式:投资者目光转向技术行业
Apple’s market capitalisation rose to over $800bn for the first time.苹果公司的市值首次突破8000亿美元。2018-05-25 编辑:clover
[经济学人财经系列] 经济学人:自由交流:特朗普税改面临的"道德风险"(1)
Economists cannot avoid making value judgments, however much they might wish to.经济学家无法避免作出价值判断, 不管他们可能多想避免。2018-06-06 编辑:clover
[经济学人商业系列] 经济学人:商业模式:企业管理层的更替
The company named several new people to the board, including the founder of Panera Breads, a rising bakery chain.公司向董事会提名了新人选,其中包括成长中的烘焙连锁公司Panera Breads 的创始人。2018-05-23 编辑:clover
[经济学人财经系列] 经济学人:自由交流:特朗普税改面临的"道德风险"(2)
Though cost-benefit analysis is not perfect, is often the best route to getting informed experts to agree.尽管成本收益分析法并不完美,但通常是让专家们取得一致的最佳选择。2018-06-07 编辑:clover
[经济学人财经系列] 经济学人:自由交流:利益交易无需考虑"道德问题"?(2)
To donate an organ, one must share a blood-type with the recipient.要捐献器官,必须与受赠人共用一种血型。2018-06-09 编辑:clover
[经济学人财经系列] 经济学人:自由交流:利益交易无需考虑"道德问题"?(1)
To donate an organ, one must share a blood-type with the recipient.要捐献器官,必须与受赠人共用一种血型。2018-06-08 编辑:clover
[经济学人财经系列] 经济学人:自由交流:企业老板如何高效控制员工(1)
Labour-monitoring technologies raise efficiency—and hard questions.劳动力监督技术在提高效率的同时也带来种种难题。2018-06-01 编辑:clover
[经济学人财经系列] 经济学人:自由交流:企业老板如何高效控制员工(2)
Workers and labour activists have often attacked strict discipline as coercive, unfair and potentially counterproductive.工人和劳工活动人士一直以来都在批判纪律苛刻,认为这是强迫性、不公平且可能会适得其反的东西。2018-06-02 编辑:clover
[经济学人财经系列] 经济学人:自由交流:福特老板的"驭人之道"(1)
Ford’s solution was to pay a wage well above what workers could earn elsewhere.福特的解决办法是支付的工资高于其他企业。2018-06-04 编辑:clover
[经济学人财经系列] 经济学人:自由交流:福特老板的"驭人之道"(2)
Heaps of data about their activities within a work-space are gathered, while their cognitive contribution is reduced.设备可以收集众多员工在工作场所的活动数据,但员工的认知贡献也会减少。2018-06-05 编辑:clover
[经济学人财经系列] 经济学人:股市震荡:投资者们受一重击(2)
What explains the sudden turmoil?何以解释这场突如其来的动荡呢?2018-06-22 编辑:clover
[经济学人财经系列] 经济学人:关于利息:低利率意味着不公平(1)
Sub-zero interest rates are neither unfair nor unnatural.负利率既非不公平也非不自然。2018-06-26 编辑:clover