[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit2-3:乔治布什的2005年圣诞演讲
Good morning. On this Christmas day, as families across the nation gather in our homes to celebrate, Laura and I extend to all Americans our best wishes for the holidays.2014-07-28 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit2-4:托尼布莱尔在女王八十寿辰上的
Mr. Speaker, sir. I beg to move a humble Address be presented to Her Majesty to offer the cordial congratulations of this House on the occasion of Her Majesty's eightieth birt..2014-07-29 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit2-5:中国的商业礼仪
CNN 记者:李先生,你好!很高兴见到你。谢谢你教我中国的商业礼仪。Mr. Li: Not at all.2014-07-30 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit2-6:雅克罗格先生在北京奥运会开幕
中华人民共和国主席先生,刘淇先生,奥组委的成员们,亲爱的中国朋友们,亲爱的运动员们: 长久以来,中国一直梦想着打开国门,邀请世界各地的运动员来北京参加奥运会。2014-07-31 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit4-6:关于香港的介绍
Hong Kong, described as a "barren rock" over 150 years ago, has become a world-class financial, trading and business center and, indeed, a great world city.2014-08-18 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit5-1:英国首相托尼布莱尔关于教育方
How well our children do at school is vital, of course, to the youngsters themselves and their families. A good start at school, a good education, makes a huge difference to children's chances i..2014-08-19 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit5-2:昆士兰大学的演讲:高等教育融
Thank you. Well, similar to perhaps everyone else here, I appreciate the invitation from GDUFS(Guangdong University of Foreign Studies) to those of us who have registered to speak.2014-08-20 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit5-3:迈向学习型社会
First of all, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Guangdong University of Foreign Studies to give me this opportunity to share my views with you about making higher educatio..2014-08-21 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit5-4:参观大学城
我此次访问广州,在参观几所本地大学的时候,听到了许多关于广州大学城的情况。陈主任,这地方看上去非常不错。我特别喜欢大学城被珠江环绕。2014-08-22 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit5-5: 让高等教育惠及更多民众
中国大学扩招的速度非常之快。正如方教授提到过的,1998 到 2004 年间,中国的大学新生数量翻了一番。中国目前有近 20%的高中毕业生进入大学学习。而 1982 年当我来中国的大学任教时,只有大约 5%的高中生能够读大学。2014-08-23 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit5-6: 教育统筹局局长的演讲
It is my pleasure and honor to address such a distinguished audience at the Second Annual Conference of the Education Forum for Asia.2014-08-24 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit6-1: 2008西班牙世博会:世界
Expo 2008, themed on the world's dwindling water resources, opened in the Spanish city of Zaragoza on June 14, days after the riverside site narrowly escaped flooding.2014-08-25 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit6-2: 巴黎航空展是一笔大买卖
At this year's Paris Air Show there are more than 140 different types of aircraft on display-everything from jets to helicopters, to even the latest in stealth technology.2014-08-26 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit6-3: 英国最大规模的艺术活动
Think of crafts and perhaps corn dollies and threaded baskets come to mind. But now the annual COLLECT craft fair has opened at London's Victoria and Albert Museum and it's a ..2014-08-27 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit6-5: 拜访香港会议展览中心
工作人员:欢迎参观香港的地标建筑之一:香港会议展览中心。2014-08-29 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit6-4: 唐英年在亚太区国际葡萄酒及
It is indeed my great pleasure to join you for the opening ceremony of this year's Vinexpo.2014-08-28 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit6-6: 王礼仕在2008年中国会展
我非常荣幸能作为 UFI 国际展览业协会总裁参加这次盛会。我向各位传达来自我们成员,其中包括众多的世界最顶尖的展览公司和场馆的热烈祝贺。2014-08-30 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit6-7:2008年广州国际照明展览会
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. On behalf of Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt, I would like to thank you for coming tonight to celebrate the opening day of Guangzhou International L..2014-08-31 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit6-8:温家宝在2006年中国出口商
We assemble here for celebrating the inauguration of 100th session of Chinese Export Commodities Fair tonight. I would like, on behalf of Chinese Government, to extend my w..2014-09-01 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit7-1:伦敦:通往欧洲市场的大门
Thank you very much for that kind and very long introduction. Good afternoon everyone. As you know, I'm Michael Charlton of the Chief Executive of Think London and I am delighted to be speaking ..2014-09-02 编辑:max