[科技新闻] 美宇航局发现"新地球" 就是有点儿远
Nasa's Kepler space telescope finds "new Earth".[qh]美国宇航局发现新地球。[qh]A planet more like Earth than any yet discovered has been identified as a potential future home for mankind.[qh]天文学2011-12-08 编辑:Jasmine
[影视动态] 看灾难片怎么折磨地球 六大题材最受好评
电影给人们安上了想象的翅膀,在无尽的想象中,人们也乐此不疲地折腾着地球。哥斯拉乃是人类核试验而产生的变异怪兽,汉江怪物则是常见物种因为水体污染变异而成,追根究底,都是人类单纯追求自身发展而带来的巨大代2011-12-15 编辑:beck
[科技新闻] 科技资讯:地球为什么是圆的?
地球是太阳系从内到外的第三颗行星,也是太阳系中直径、质量和密度最大的类地行星。它也经常被称作世界。英语的地球Earth一词来自于古英语及日耳曼语。地球已有44~46亿岁,有一颗天然卫星月球围绕着地球以27.32天的2012-01-20 编辑:jasmine
[科技新闻] 地球变暖已停止 或将进入小冰河期
The supposed "consensus" on man-made global warming is facing an inconvenient challenge after the release of new temperature data showing the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years.[qh]新的温度数2012-02-06 编辑:jasmine
[自然百科] 自然百科:冰冻星球 前往地球尽头(14)
The remnants of the sea ice are occupied by sun-bathing seals that have been here all winter. But new arrivals are following the retreating ice edge and they have come here to hunt. Killer whales2012-02-06 编辑:mike
[TED演讲视频版] 60秒科学:宇宙只有一个地球
Scientists are looking for Earth-like planets around other stars. But one way to limit the search can be to figure out where an Earth-like planet cannot exist and eliminate those types of systems.科学2012-05-15 编辑:Daisy
[科学美国人技术系列] 60秒科学:宇宙只有一个地球
Scientists are looking for Earth-like planets around other stars. But one way to limit the search can be to figure out where an Earth-like planet cannot exist and eliminate those types of systems.科学2012-05-15 编辑:Daisy
[关注社会] 地球资源是否真的即将告罄?
Is the Earth running out of minerals?地球上的矿产资源是否即将告罄?A recent and widely publicized proposal to mine asteroids for nickel, platinum and other key ingredients for metals is based in part2012-07-02 编辑:justxrh
[] 英政府机密文档称外星人将造访地球
1970-01-01 编辑:
[听力文摘] 听力文摘第40期:地球同步卫星(2)
A Stationary Satellite, part 2地球同步卫星(二)A geostationary satellite orbitsthe planet at the same rate as the planet rotates, so the satellite is always over the same patch of ground.同步卫星以行2012-07-27 编辑:rainbow
[TED演讲视频版] TED演讲:地球的9大极限
人类发展已经造成地球资源的紧张,但是约翰·罗克斯特伦提醒我们,人类科学技术进步也使我们认识到这一切,并随之改变这种行为。他的研究发现了9大“地球界限”通过这个发现可以指引我们保护地球上息息相关的众多生2012-08-20 编辑:lily
[科学美国人地球系列] 科学美国人60秒:地球上到底有多少生命?
The charismatic megafauna may get all the attention, but it's amoebas, nematodes and microbes that make up the bulk of life on Earth. So how many microbes are in the sea floor? A new analysis2012-09-05 编辑:melody
[听力文摘] 听力文摘第79期:地球为什么是圆的?
Why the Earth Is Round?地球为什么是圆的?Our never-thought to ask question for today is: Why is the earth round? Why no2012-09-27 编辑:Rainbow
[科学美国人地球系列] 科学美国人60秒:地球工程能阻止热浪吗?
When Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991, the injection of sulfur particles into the atmosphere cooled the planet. Takin2012-09-28 编辑:melody
[经济学人科技系列] 另一个地球? 远离家乡的家
Science and Technolgy科技Another Earth?另一个地球?Home away from home远离家乡的家The existence of the most Earthlike planet2012-10-08 编辑:justxrh
[PBS访谈环境系列] PBS高端访谈:PBS新纪录片"Earth:The Operator's
JUDY WOODRUFF: Finally tonight: Yesterday was Earth Day, with celebrations around the globe.Hari Sreenivasan talked recently&2012-10-23 编辑:melody
[每日一句口语] 每日一句口语 第270期:地球一小时
每日 一句 地球2012-11-05 编辑:Nic
[这个男人来自地球] 听电影《这个男人来自地球》学英语第01期:在麦当劳办烛光晚餐
原文欣赏Hey, buddy.嘿 老兄。 You don’t waste time, do you?你可真抓紧时间。 I try not to.我试试慢慢来。 Well, you need help?需要帮忙吗?2012-11-09 编辑:justdoit
[这个男人来自地球] 听电影《这个男人来自地球》学英语第02期:梵高的画
原文欣赏A’right.好吧。 art’s gonna be along, too. 安特也会来。He’s, uh, talking to a student. Pfft.他在和学生谈话。 Is george taking over for&n2012-11-11 编辑:justdoit
[这个男人来自地球] 听电影《这个男人来自地球》学英语第04期:同与先人
原文欣赏Every woman on the faculty. 学院里的所有女人。 Would give anything to have that secret.都想知道保养秘诀 。 Is that what they’re afte2012-11-14 编辑:justdoit