[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第134期:关于"V"的发音(节选)
'Beloved.' I didn't hear it at all that time. 'Beloved.' Vv, belo-vv-ed. 'Beloved.' Ok. 'Beloved.' Good.2016-05-24 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第135期:关于"W"的发音(节选)
On the word flowers, he wanted to say: flo-ers, flo-ers. Watch closely: flowers, flowers, flowers. '2016-05-25 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第136期:辅音字母"W"的发音方法
To make this sound, ww, ww, the lips form a tight circle like the 'oo' as in 'boo' vowel. Also like that vowel, the back of the tongue reaches up high in the back.2016-05-26 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第137期:"R"和"W"
For the W consonant, the tongue tip is down here, and the back part of the tongue stretches up, so the tongue stretches this way.2016-05-27 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第138期:"R"和"W"
As I am studying here in Germany I have noticed, many Germans, when they are speaking English while they have very good accents that many of them pronounce the V sound as a W.2016-05-28 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第139期:含有"WH"的单词怎么发音
I've gotten a couple questions about how do you pronounce words that begin with WH. And I've brought my Mom here because she pronounces it differently than I do.2016-05-30 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第140期:"Year"和"ear
Over the years, I've had a lot of people ask me about the difference between these two words. For non-native speakers, the Y consonant can be hard to detect.2016-05-31 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第141期:字母"Y"怎么发音
you need to either hear a native speaker say the word, or look up the word in a dictionary that has the International Phonetic Alphabet transcription.2016-06-01 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第142期:辅音"Y[j]"的发音方法
because there is a passage down the middle of the tongue that does not touch the roof of the mouth. This is where the sound travels.2016-06-02 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第143期:字母"S"发"[z]&
This is actually quite common in American English. I've done a video on how to pronounce plural nouns. There are many cases there where the final S will be pronounced as a final Z.2016-06-03 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第144期:辅音"SH"和"ZH&
The corners of the lips do come in, but rather than rounding, the lips come away from the face, so more of the teeth are exposed.2016-06-04 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第150期:"Download"的发音方法
And we end with a D. Most native speakers won't release the D, download, dd, dd, but will just make it a stop, download.2016-06-13 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第149期:关于说得快慢的问题
The first, and maybe most important thing, is that I don't teach that you should be speaking really fast as a general rule.2016-06-10 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第145期:"DA-da"式重音发音练习
That would be very boring. This video only works if you're willing to practice your English out loud. So, if you're somewhere where you can't do that2016-06-06 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第146期:"da-DA"式重音发音练习
This video is part of a series where we take words with the same stress, and practice a bunch of them at once. It's a drilling exercise.2016-06-07 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第147期:单词结尾的"-est"该怎么发
If you look at it on its own, it looks like it might be 'est', just like the word BEST without the B, or WEST without the W, -est.2016-06-08 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第148期:重读和不重读的音节发音对比 我的新自行车
It's called a "World Traveler", and that's not a very good name for a bike. So I asked all my fans on Facebook to suggest different names2016-06-09 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第149期:单词重读和三个音节的单词发音
In American English, any word can have only one syllable with primary stress. That means there are three possible stress patterns for a three syllable word2016-06-12 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第151期:婚礼!2个音节的单词重音学习
In this American English pronunciation video, you're going to join me at my friend's wedding on a beautiful farm, and study the pronunciation of the word 'wedding' and other two-syll..2016-06-14 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第152期:飓风桑迪
The next day I hopped on my bike and checked in on friends who live in southern Manhattan to see how they were doing.2016-06-15 编辑:liekkas