[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第153期:英语是重音节拍的语言
that they need to pronounce each word fully and clearly in order to be well-understood. But in English that's actually not the case.2016-06-16 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第154期:以"ING"结尾的单词重音
we're going to go over the word stress of -ing verbs. The -ing form of a verb always adds an extra syllable.2016-06-17 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第154期:以"er"结尾的单词发音教学
The -er ending will always be unstressed. So it will be lower in pitch and quicker than the stressed syllable in the word.2016-06-18 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第155期:音节重音体现方法的教学
Stress isn't simply a higher pitch and a lower pitch. Yes-ter-day. Da-da-da. But actually, there's a swoop from one pitch to the next2016-06-20 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第156期:单词重音与首字母缩略词
The first time I'm saying it with the stress on the last letter, and the second time, incorrectly, with the stress on the first letter.2016-06-21 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第157期:单词内的重音音节
Word stress is the idea that in a word with more than one syllable, one (or more than one) syllable will be stressed or accented2016-06-22 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第158期:听力理解 双音节单词
The second syllable is stressed. Daughter, daughter. Daughter, it's the first syllable that is stressed. Sleepy, sleepy.2016-06-23 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第159期:单词重音的介绍
'About' has two syllables, one is stressed. Can you guess which one it is? About. It's the second syllable. What makes a syllable stressed?2016-06-24 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第160期:关于提升英语听力理解能力的五大建议
In this American English pronunciation video, we're going to go over five tips to improve your listening skills.2016-06-25 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第161期:单词重音和动词
If you're not sure what you're hearing, here's a visual. I'm leaving soon. The blue line is the pitch.2016-06-27 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第162期:关于单词重音和清单的语调
Each item goes up in pitch until the final item, which goes down in pitch. Let's look at an example. I'm driving you, Dan, and Cindy to the party.2016-06-28 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第163期:改变单词重音来说明问题
Let's say you're at a party with a friend and you're talking about someone else. You point and you say, He is married.2016-06-29 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第164期:关于虚词的发音和重音
Intonation is the idea that we vary pitches throughout a sentence, throughout speech. We do not speak always on the same pitch.2016-06-30 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第165期:单词重音和句中的位置
And that is, how different the same word can sound depending on where it falls in a sentence. I've been noticing recently2016-07-01 编辑:liekkas
[正音:美语发音基础教程] 美语发音基础教程(MP3+双语字幕) 第23期:摩擦辅音 red
美语发音基础教程(MP3+双语字幕) 第23课:摩擦辅音 red2014-12-30 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第167期:"I appreciate it
we're going to go over the pronunciation of the phrase "I appreciate it." We'll talk about linking words in a sentence: vowel to vowel and with a Flap T.2016-07-04 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第166期:见见我的宝贝Stoney
He was born in January so he's almost 4 months old. So far, his life consists mostly of eating and sleeping, although not sleeping too much, which is why I look so tired.2016-07-02 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第169期:辅音连接元音的发音方法
What's up? This video is about linking: the specific case where you take a word that begins with a vowel or a diphthong2016-07-06 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第170期:元音连接元音的发音方法
we'll talk about linking two words when one ends in a vowel sound and the next one begins in a vowel sound—vowel or diphthong sound.2016-07-07 编辑:liekkas
[美式英语发音视频] 美式英语发音课程(视频+文本) 第168期:"Shoulda, Woulda, C
In this American English pronunciation video, you're going to learn about shoulda, woulda, coulda. 'Shoulda' is a reduction of 'should have'.2016-07-05 编辑:liekkas