[名人英语演讲视频] 米歇尔·奥巴马在2014年大学机会峰会上的演讲(视频+文本)
Thank you all so much. Thank you. Well, you guys rest yourselves. You’ve been very busy.2015-06-19 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统在国家圣诞树亮灯仪式上的讲话(视频+文本)
Merry Christmas, everybody! (Applause.) We saw this party going on out back and we thought we’d join you.2015-06-23 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 2014诺贝尔物理学奖得主中村修二在颁奖晚宴上的致辞(视频+文本)
Your Majesty,Royal Highnesses,Ladies and Gentlemen,Colleagues and Friends:2015-06-24 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 2014诺贝尔化学奖得主斯特凡·赫尔在颁奖晚宴上的致辞(视频+文本)
Your Majesties,Your Royal Highnesses,Ladies and Gentlemen,What a week, what a day, and what a night...!2015-06-25 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 2014诺贝尔经济学奖得主梯若尔在颁奖晚宴上的致辞(视频+文本)
The great economist John Maynard Keynes once wrote: “If economists could manage to get themselves thought of as humble, competent people on a level with dentists, that would be splendid.”2015-06-26 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 2014诺贝尔生理学奖得主约翰·奥基夫在颁奖晚宴上的致辞(视频+文本)
On behalf of my colleagues May-Britt and Edvard Moser, and myself, I would like to express our gratitude to the Nobel Foundation for hosting this magnificent banquet.2015-06-29 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 英国副首相克莱格2015年国际妇女节致辞(视频+文本)
Malala Yousafzai, Fahma Mohamed, Emma Watson and Nimko Ali – these are just some of the incredible girls and women standing up and speaking out for gender equality around the world.2015-06-30 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统在圣班尼迪克学院的演讲(视频+文本)
I want to say thank you to Benedict College for your hospitality.2015-07-01 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 联合国秘书长潘基文2015"地球一小时"致辞(视频+文本)
On March 28 at 8:30 pm, the United Nations will switch off its lights in support of Earth Hour.2015-07-02 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 英国副首相克莱格2015年逾越节致辞(视频+文本)
As the sun sets around the world this Friday, millions of Jewish families will come together for Passover.2015-07-03 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 英国副首相克莱格2015年复活节致辞(视频+文本)
As one of the most significant Christian festivals, Easter is a time of reflection and renewal. What it celebrates is the moving and powerful story of Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection.2015-07-06 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 美国国务卿克里在2015年"选择美国"投资峰会上的演讲(视频+文本)
Thank you. Well, good afternoon. Thank you very much, Vinai. Appreciate the kind introduction. More importantly, I want to thank you for doing such a terrific job at SelectUSA.2015-07-07 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统在2015年"选择美国"投资峰会上的演讲(视频+文本)
Thank you so much. (Applause.) Thank you. Please have a seat. Well, thank you, everybody. And let me begin by thanking Penny Pritzker for her outstanding leadership.2015-07-08 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统夫妇在2015白宫复活节滚彩蛋活动上的讲话(视频+文本)
We are so blessed to have this beautiful day and to have so many friends in our backyard!2015-07-09 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 英国首相卡梅伦2015年锡克教丰收节致辞(视频+文本)
I send my best wishes to everyone in India, Britain and around the world celebrating Vaisakhi.2015-07-10 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 澳大利亚总理阿博特2015年澳新军团日致辞(视频+文本)
This week marks the centenary of the Australian landing at Anzac Cove.2015-07-13 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 英国首相卡梅伦2015年复活节致辞(视频+文本)
Easter is a time for Christians to celebrate the ultimate triumph of life over death in the resurrection of Jesus.2015-07-14 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 卡梅伦首相府发表的胜选演讲(视频+文本)
I’ve just been to see Her Majesty the Queen, and I will now form a majority Conservative government.2015-07-15 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 英国自由民主党领袖克莱格辞职演讲(视频+文本)
I always expected this election to be exceptionally difficult for the Liberal Democrats given the heavy responsibilities we’ve had to bear in government in the most challenging of circumstances.2015-07-16 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 英国工党领袖米利班德辞职演讲(视频+文本)
Thank you for your kindness, friends. Friends, this is not the speech I wanted to give today because I believe that Britain needed a Labour government.2015-07-17 编辑:max