[名人英语演讲视频] 克里国务卿就美国与古巴恢复外交关系发表讲话(视频+文本)
SECRETARY KERRY: Good afternoon, everybody. Thank you for your patience.2015-08-19 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 加拿大总理哈珀2015年国庆日致辞(视频+文本)
We Canadians are blessed to live in the best country in the world.2015-08-21 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 英国女王伊丽莎白二世在德国总统府欢迎国宴上的致辞(视频+文本)
Prince Philip and I would like to thank you and Frau Schadt for the warm welcome you have given us at the start of our fifth State Visit to Germany.2015-08-24 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 伯恩斯在华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校2015毕业典礼上的演讲(视频+文本)
It had been my intention this morning to parcel out some good advice at the end of these remarks – the "goodness" of that being of course subjective in the extreme2015-08-25 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统夫妇在2015年白宫"儿童国宴"上的讲话(视频+文本)
MRS. OBAMA: I see tears. I do. Wow, Abby, amazing. We're so proud of you. Man, good stuff! Very good stuff.2015-08-26 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 希拉里在纽约新学院大学发表演讲公布其经济政策纲领(视频+文本)
Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you very much, President Van Zant, and thanks to everyone at the New School for welcoming us today.2015-08-27 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 哈里王子寄语2016年国际伤残军人运动会(视频+文本)
Last year, we held the first ever Invictus Games here in London. It was an event which focused (on) the recovery of hundreds of wounded servicemen and women through sport, but more significantly it ..2015-08-28 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统在肯尼亚总统招待宴会上的致辞(视频+文本)
PRESIDENT KENYATTA: Thank you very much, Amina. And I appreciate your sentiments.2015-09-06 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 加拿大总理哈珀宣布增投扩建红河国家城市公园(视频+文本)
Thank you, Chris, for that very kind introduction, also Peter and Colin, for serving as our emcees.2015-09-02 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 英国首相卡梅伦2015年开斋节致辞(视频+文本)
This Ramadan, we've seen the very best of British Muslim values. We've seen unprecedented charity – zakat – with thousands upon thousands of pounds raised for the needy2015-09-01 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统就美国海军后备人员枪击案发表的讲话(视频+文本)
I just received a briefing from FBI Director Comey, as well as my White House team, about the tragic shooting that took place in Chattanooga today.2015-08-31 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 美国国务卿克里在美国驻古巴大使馆重开仪式上的讲话(视频+文本)
Please be seated, everybody. Thank you very, very much. Muchas gracias. Buenos dias.2015-09-08 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 卡梅伦公布英国打击极端主义五年计划(视频+文本)
It's great to be here at this school, at this outstanding school.2015-09-07 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 英国女王伊丽莎白二世1986年圣诞致辞(视频+文本)
Every year, this Christmas party is held for the children of the people living in the Mews of Buckingham Palace. Everyone seems to be enjoying it.2015-09-09 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 澳大利亚总理阿博特就国家改革峰会致辞(视频+文本)
I'm sorry I can't be with you, but it is good to have the chance to wish you well for these discussions.2015-09-11 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统接见2014年WNBA冠军凤凰城水星队时的讲话(视频+文本)
THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the White House. Congratulations to the 2014 WNBA champion, Phoenix Mercury!2015-09-14 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 李显龙总理在新加坡建国50周年纪念钞揭幕仪式上的讲话(视频+文本)
Very happy to be here today to unveil the Commemorative Notes as part of our SG50 celebrations.2015-09-15 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 美国共和党参议员每周视频致辞(2015年9月5日)(视频+文本)
Hi, I'm Senator Pat Toomey from Pennsylvania.2015-09-17 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统在国家清洁能源峰会上的致辞(视频+文本)
Thank you very much. Thank you, everybody. Please, please, have a seat. We're all about saving energy here. Sit down.2015-09-16 编辑:max
[名人英语演讲视频] 奥巴马总统每周电台演讲(2015年8月29日)(视频+文本)
Hi, everybody. This Monday, I'm heading to Alaska for a three-day tour of the state.2015-09-22 编辑:max