[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第12期
本句的难点是在分句1内部有一个倒装,正常的语序应该是though we areaccustomed to speaking of the films made before 1927 as silent.分句3是一个插入语,嵌套在分句2中,所以本句的真正强调的核心是the film has never been silent。2014-08-12 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第14期
分句1内部构成倒装,正常语序应该是concerns about theaccelerating loss of species and habitats has been coincident with a growingappreciation of the importance of biological diversity to the health of theEarth and hu..2014-08-13 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第15期
分句1嵌套分句2,分句2解释说明分句1的主语the fact,是同位语从句,分句3作为分句1的原因状语,分句4是定语从句,修饰分句3的the huge numbers of insects2014-08-14 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第16期
To appreciate fully the diversity andabundance of life in the sea,it helps to think small.2014-08-15 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第17期
Science is built with facts just as ahouse is built with bricks,but a collection of facts cannot be called science any more than apile of bricks can be called a house.2014-08-16 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第18期
The variation between the hemispherescorresponds to which side of the body is used to perform specific activities.2014-08-17 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第20期
If it were not for this faculty,they would devour all the food available in short time and wouldprobably starve themselves out of existence.2014-08-19 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第21期
Individualism is weakly developed in folk cultures,as are social classes.2014-08-20 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第22期
People in the United States in the nineteenth century were hauntedby the prospect that unprecedented change in the nation's economy would bringsocial chaos.2014-08-21 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第23期
23.Accompanying that growth was a structural change that featuredincreasing economic diversification and a gradual shift in the nation's laborforce from agriculture to manufacturing and other no..2014-08-22 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第24期
24.As the roles men and women played in society became more rigidlydefined, so did the roles they played in the home.2014-08-23 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第25期
25.Surrounding the column are three sepalsand three petals,sometimeseasily recognizable as such,often distorted into gorgeous,weird,but alwaysfunctional shapes.2014-08-24 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第26期
26.With the growing prosperity brought on by the Second World War andthe economic boom that followed it,young people married and established households earlier and began toraise larger families than..2014-08-25 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第27期
27.The railroad could be and was a despoiler of nature;furthermore,in its manifestation of speed andnoise,it might be adespoiler of human nature as well.2014-08-26 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第28期
28.In the railroads' prime years,between 1 890 and 1920,there were a few individuals in the United States,most of them with solid railroadingexperience behind them,who made a profession of writi..2014-08-27 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第29期
29.On the other hand,when it comes to substantive--particularly behavioral-information,crows are less well known than manycomparably common species and,for that matter,not a few quite uncommon ones:..2014-08-28 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第30期
30.Keen observers and quick learners,they are astute about the intentions of other creatures,including researchers,and adept at avoiding them.2014-08-29 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第31期
31.These researchers have sought to demonstratethattheir work can be a valuabletool not only of science but also of history,providing flesh insights into the daily lives of ordinary peoplewhose exis..2014-08-30 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第32期
32.Legend has it thatsometime toward the end of the CivilWar(1861--1865)a government train carrying oxen traveling through the northernplains of eastern Wyoming was caught in a snowstormandhad to be..2014-08-31 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第34期
34.Life's transition from the sea to the landwas perhaps as much of an evolutionary challengeas was the genesis of life.2014-09-02 编辑:alice