[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第55期
55.Soldiers rarely hold theideals that movies attribute to them。nor do ordinary citizens devote their lives to unselfish service ofhumanity.2014-09-23 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第56期
56.In addition to having to be a generalist while specializing in whatmay seem to be a narrow field,the researcher is faced with the problem of primary materials thathave little or no documentation.2014-09-24 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第57期
57.Moreover,the degree to which cones are naturally slightly open or tightlyclosed helps determine which bill design is the best.2014-09-25 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第58期
58.It was she,a Baltimore printer,who published the first official copies of the Declaration,the first copies that included thenames of its signers and therefore heralded the support of all thirteen..2014-09-26 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第59期
59.By comparison with these familiaryardsticks,the distancesto the galaxies are incomprehensibly large,but they too are made more manageable by using a time calibration,in this case the distance tha..2014-09-27 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第60期
60.The primary reason was skepticism that arailroad built through so challenging and thinly settled a stretch of desert,mountain,and semiarid plain could pay aprofit.2014-09-28 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第61期
61.The argument that humans,even in prehistoric times,had some number sense,at least to the extent ofrecognizing the concepts of more and less when some objects were added to ortaken away from a sma..2014-09-29 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第62期
62.A useful definition of an air pollutantis a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere in suchquantities as to affect humans, animals,vegetation,or materials adversely.2014-09-30 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第63期
63.The acute,growing public awareness of the social changes that had been takingplace for some time was tied to tremendous growth in popular journalism in thelate nineteenth century,including growth..2014-10-01 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第64期
64.A detailed study has been made of the prints using photogrammetry,a technique for obtainingmeasurements through photographs,which created a drawing showing all the curves and contours of theprints.2014-10-02 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第65期
65.Footprints thus provide US not merely with rare impressions of thesoft tissue of early hominids,but also with evidence of upright walking that in many ways isclearer than can be obtained from the..2014-10-03 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第66期
66.In fact,throughout the animal kingdom,from sponges to certain types of worms,shellfish,and all vertebrates(creatures possessing a spinal column)2014-10-04 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第67期
67.In the twenties,jazz became the hottest new thing in dance music, much as ragtimehad at the turn of the century,and as would rhythm and blues in the forties,rock in the fifties,and disco in the s..2014-10-05 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第68期
68.They made these quilt until the advent of the Revolutionary War in1775,wheneverything English came to be frowned upon.2014-10-06 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第69期
69.Growing tightly packed together and collectively weaving a densecanopy of branches, a stand of red alder trees can totally dominate a site tothe exclusion of almost everything else.2014-10-07 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第70期
70.In taking up a new life across the Atlantic,the early European settlers of theUnited States did not abandon the diversions with which their ancestors hadtraditionally relieved the tedium of life.2014-10-08 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第71期
71.Farm dwellers in their isolation not only found it harder to locatecompanions in play but also thanks to the unending demands and pressures oftheir work, felt it necessary to combine fun with pur..2014-10-09 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第72期
72.The scientific investigation of an experience as private asconsciousness is frustratingly beyond the usual tools of the experimentalpsychologist.2014-10-10 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第73期
73.Among the species of seabirds that use the windswept cliffs of theAtlantic coast of Canada in the summer to mate,lay eggs,and rear their young are common murres, Atlantic puffins,black-legged kit..2014-10-11 编辑:alice
[托福阅读长难句] 托福阅读长难句精讲每日一句 第74期
74.The advantage of nesting on cliffs is the immunity it gives fromfoxes, which cannot scale the sheer rocks,and from ravens and other species of gulls, which have difficulty inlanding on narrow led..2014-10-12 编辑:alice