[时事新闻] 民调显示全球多数国家民众希望奥巴马连任
Most countries would prefer to see Barack Obama re-elected as President rather than Mitt Romney, a global poll 2012-10-24 编辑:ivy
[时事新闻] (视频)美国大选终极辩论, 外交议题奥巴马胜
Barack Obama went on the offensive over foreign policy in the third and final presidential debate, repeatedly accus2012-10-24 编辑:spring
[学习素材] 2012年美国总统大选 奥巴马罗姆尼第三场辩论:激辩中国问题
2012年美国总统大选 奥巴马罗姆尼第三场辩论:激辩中国问题2012-10-26 编辑:melody
[关注社会] 小男孩强吻女同学 奥巴马被抢镜
As President of the United States, Barack Obama is usually the centre of attention wherever he goes.作为美国的现任总统,奥巴马所到之处通常都2012-10-27 编辑:ivy
[学习素材] 2012年美国总统大选:奥巴马罗姆尼第一场辩论完整视频
2012年美国总统大选:奥巴马罗姆尼第一场辩论完整视频2012-10-26 编辑:melody
[时事新闻] 奥巴马稍事休息罗姆尼继续冲刺
U.S. President Barack Obama is taking a break from the campaign trail Friday, while his Republican challenger Mitt&2012-10-27 编辑:ivy
[2012年10月CNN news] CNN讲解附字幕: 巴拉克·奥巴马的总体支持率跌破历史最低
中英文本Health care reform enters a new era in about two hours.医疗改革在大约两个小时内即将进入一个崭新的时代。President Obama is scheduled&nb2012-10-30 编辑:mike
[奥巴马每周电台演讲] 奥巴马总统每周电台演讲:总统呼吁用新的华尔街改革法案保护美国人民
Hi, everybody. 嗨,各位好。It's now been four years since a crisis that began on Wall Street spread to Main&n2012-10-31 编辑:mike
[时事新闻] 时事新闻:飓风也是福,奥巴马获纽约市长支持
The impact of the superstorm Sandy was felt directly on the presidential election on Thursday when the popular 2012-11-02 编辑:spring
[时事新闻] 奥巴马暂停竞选忙飓风,罗姆尼小心翼翼作旁观
PRESIDENT Barack Obama, locked in a tight re-election bid, was joining with one of his top Republican critics2012-11-02 编辑:spring
[关注社会] 聚焦美国大选:关于奥巴马和罗姆尼你不知道的10件事(一)
Four debates and countless campaign stops later, voters have learned much about their candidates' positions, policies,&nb2012-11-07 编辑:ivy
[时事新闻] 大局已定?奥巴马对他的第二任期信心满满
US President Barack Obama congratulated Republican rival Mitt Romney for running a hard-fought race for the White H2012-11-07 编辑:spring
[2012年11月ABC News] ABC新闻:布鲁斯·夏皮罗讨论奥巴马面临的挑战
Bruce Shapiro discusses the challenges ahead for Barack Obama.布鲁斯·夏皮罗讨论奥巴马面临的挑战。2012-11-08 编辑:mike
[学习素材] 奥巴马总统就飓风"桑迪"所作的紧急讲话
President Obama's Statement on Hurricane SandyOctober 29, 2012奥巴马总统就飓风“桑迪”所作的紧急讲话2012年10月29日Hello, everybody. I just received a ful2012-11-05 编辑:melody
[娱乐新闻] 奥巴马的推特转发量超过贾斯汀·比伯
A photo of President Barack Obama hugging first lady Michelle Obama tweeted by the Obama campaign on election2012-11-09 编辑:ivy
[奥巴马每周电台演讲] 奥巴马总统每周电台演讲:总统呼吁加快灾后恢复和重建
This weekend, millions of our fellow Americans are still picking up the pieces from one of the worst storms&nb2012-11-09 编辑:mike
[时事新闻] 奥巴马罗姆尼大选前最后冲刺 Voting Begins in 2012 US Presid
U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney have made their final arguments to voters in key&2012-11-07 编辑:ivy
[时事新闻] 时事新闻:奥巴马即将访问缅甸
President Barack Obama will visit Myanmar this month, the first trip to the country by a U.S. president, in&nb2012-11-11 编辑:ivy
[关注社会] 奥巴马笑谈《江南style》或给妻子跳骑马舞
The pop culture phenomenon known as “Gangnam Style” has finally reached the highest office of the United States.&nb2012-11-08 编辑:ivy
[时事新闻] 奥巴马发表获胜演说,不变的激动人心
The sense of optimism among Democrats had been building all evening: a nervous hopefulness at first, with fingernai2012-11-08 编辑:spring