[美剧每日一句] 美剧每日一句 第74期:王者的寂寞
今天的每日一句是: My father prepared me well for being king, but he told me nothing of the loneliness of the job.2013-01-16 编辑:Nic
[每日一句口语] 每日一句口语 第327期:不要等拥有才分享
今天的每日一句是: Don’t wait for the best job, to begin to work; Don’t wait to have a lot, to share a bit.2013-01-17 编辑:Nic
[美剧每日一句] 美剧每日一句 第75期:误入歧途的斯坦芬
今天的每日一句是: Every single time that he's gone off the rails in the past,his best friend Lexi's been the only one to bring him back.2013-01-17 编辑:Nic
[每日视频新闻] 每日视频新闻:雾霾下的北京 担忧犹存
奥巴马推动美国最大枪支管控改革---伦敦市中心一直升机撞豪宅塔吊致2死9伤---雾霾下的北京 担忧犹存2013-01-17 编辑:kahn
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音Daily Pronunciation 第4讲:acquies
Today’s word is ”acquiesce“. This is a verb which means to comply reluctantly with someone’s request.2009-01-19 编辑:admin
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音Daily Pronunciation 第5讲:acumen
His business acumen helped him to succeed where others had failed.2009-01-20 编辑:admin
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音Daily Pronunciation 第6讲:advantage
For a goalkeeper,it's a great advantage to have big hands.对于守门员来说,有一双大手是很大的优势。2009-02-05 编辑:admin
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音Daily Pronunciation 第7讲:aesthetic
Natural aesthetic is the core of Chinese aesthetics.自然审美是中国古代美学的核心。2009-02-05 编辑:admin
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音Daily Pronunciation 第8讲:agile
He was quick and agile and he didn't mind losing.他敏捷,灵活,输了不在乎。2009-02-07 编辑:admin
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音Daily Pronunciation 第9讲:alacrity
Although the man was very old, he still moved with alacrity.他虽然很老,动作仍很敏捷。2009-02-11 编辑:admin
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音Daily Pronunciation 第10讲:alleviate
They alleviated the boredom of waiting by singing songs.他们以唱歌来减轻等候的厌烦。2009-02-11 编辑:admin
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音Daily Pronunciation 第11讲:alumni
John is one of his alumni in the university.约翰是他大学时的校友之一2009-02-12 编辑:admin
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音练习(外教视频演示) 第13讲:amicable
We came to an amicable agreement.我们达成了友好的协议。2013-01-18 编辑:admin
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音练习(外教视频演示) 第14讲:anomaly
A cat with no tail is an anomaly.没尾巴的猫是一只畸形猫。2013-01-19 编辑:alex
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音Daily Pronunciation 第12讲:ambivalent
He has an ambivalent attitude towards her.他对她怀着矛盾的心情。2009-02-12 编辑:admin
[2007年4月] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.11)
新闻背景:15名被扣押的英国海军人员于昨天中午安抵伦敦希思罗机场,20分钟后,他们走出机舱,各自身着水兵和陆战队制服,兴高采烈地在机场上站成一队,让摄影记者们照相。随后他们乘坐直升机飞往英国皇家海军基地。2007-04-06 编辑:admin
[音乐咖啡厅] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.14)
[点击试听] 我听之我见: 沙哑而富有磁性的嗓音,动人的情怀,使我在一开始听到酷玩乐队的歌时就深深地爱上了他们。他们的音乐流行,但不落入俗套,朗朗悦耳,又不让人感到腻烦,但是他们的音乐令人沉沦,这一点无可2007-04-06 编辑:admin
[音乐咖啡厅] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.15)
[点击试听] 这是一首节凑轻快的歌曲~希望你的耳畔回响这样的节奏,你的生活飘荡这样的快乐~ Tiggy - why Standing beside you Wishing you'd always be close to me And how can I tell you Every night I see y2007-04-06 编辑:admin
[跟可可练听力] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.16)
当月光皎洁明亮时,人们可以通过肉眼清晰的看到月亮上的阴影。各个文化的初民们,都发挥自己的想象,将月亮上的阴影拟为人世间的事物。因此,嫦娥、桂树、玉兔就应运而生了。然而关注着月亮的,并非只有中国人。梵语2007-04-06 编辑:admin
[跟可可练听力] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.17)
Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she would have to be a real princess. He traveled all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. Ther2007-04-06 编辑:admin