[戴尔英语红宝书] 每日课堂电子书(2013.1.18)
There’s a 15% service charge. Victor: Hi,大家好,我是Victor, Nancy: Nancy! Victor: 今天我们讨论的Topic是: Nancy:There’s a 15% service charge. Victor:小费的问题啊。 Nancy:This is extra money2007-04-06 编辑:admin
[每日商务英语] 每日商务英语 第204期:使焦虑
The many problems I am having with my adolescent son are giving me gray hair.我和我处在青春期的儿子之间的很多问题让我心焦。2013-01-18 编辑:kekenet
[美剧每日一句] 美剧每日一句 第77期:拴住一个男人
今天的每日一句是: The real way to get a man is with melted cheese, and cream of mushroom soup.2013-01-18 编辑:Nic
[每日一句口语] 每日一句口语 第328期:诚实不能从廉价的人那里得到
今天的每日一句是: Honesty is very expensive gift. Do not expect it from cheap people.2013-01-18 编辑:Nic
[每日一句口语] 每日一句口语 第329期:爬得越快跌得越疼
今天的每日一句是: Here is an inside tip:The faster you rise, the harder you fall.2013-01-19 编辑:Nic
[美剧每日一句] 美剧每日一句 第78期:房子的意义远不止于此
今天的每日一句是: Anyone who’s ever lived with a loved one, a soul mate, knows that the house is so much more.2013-01-19 编辑:Nic
[每日商务英语] 每日商务英语 第205期:墨守成规的人
My father is a creature of habit who has eaten lunch in the same restaurant near his office every day for thirty years.我的父亲是个墨守成规的人,30年来每天都在公司附近的同一家餐厅吃午餐。2013-01-21 编辑:kekenet
[每日商务英语] 每日商务英语 第206期:省省吧
My younger brother said he hoped he could get a big raise this year, but I said save your breath, because I know his company is in big trouble financially.我年轻的弟弟说,他希望今年能得到大幅加薪,但我对他说:“省省吧!”因为我知道他的公司在..2013-01-22 编辑:kekenet
[每日商务英语] 每日商务英语 第207期:谈判要点
The unhappy employees identified five talking points to discuss with their boss 这些心怀不满的员工拟定了5条与老板谈判的要点2013-01-23 编辑:kekenet
[每日商务英语] 每日商务英语 第208期:经历困难时期
The economic recession hurt our business badly, but conditions are improving now and it looks like we have weathered the storm.经济衰退严重伤害了我们的业务,但现在环境正在改善,看来我们已经度过了困难时期。2013-01-24 编辑:kekenet
[每日商务英语] 每日商务英语 第209期:即兴发挥
Usually I prepare for a speech carefully, but yesterday I was asked to speak at the conference without any warning, so I had to wing it. 我通常很认真地准备演讲,但昨天有人突然请我在会议上讲话,我只好即兴发挥。2013-01-25 编辑:kekenet
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音练习(外教视频演示) 第15讲:antidote
He took an antidote for the poison 他服了对付那种毒物的解毒剂。2013-01-20 编辑:alex
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音练习(外教视频演示) 第16讲:arbiter
The arbiter will have the last say.仲裁员的裁定是终局性的。2013-01-21 编辑:alex
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音练习(外教视频演示) 第18讲:appreciate
I really appreciate his complete absorption in his work.我很欣赏他对工作的极端专注。2013-01-24 编辑:alex
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音练习(外教视频演示) 第19讲:ask out
She likes you, why don't you ask her out? 她喜欢你,为什么你不邀她出去?2013-01-25 编辑:alex
[每日发音练习视频] 每日发音练习(外教视频演示) 第20讲:attain
We can attain whatever goal we set in our mind.我们设定了什么目标,就能实现什么目标。2013-01-26 编辑:alex
[每日视频新闻] 每日视频新闻:奥巴马连任就职演说(中英字幕)
奥巴马连任就职演说(中英字幕)--奥巴马连任就职演说(同声传译)--声音记录历年总统就职2013-01-22 编辑:kahn
[每日视频新闻] 每日视频新闻:周星驰任政协委员引争议 央视借星爷电影调侃
波音787梦幻客机故障频频“难圆梦”---印尼首都雅加达遭洪水 数万人无家可归---周星驰任政协委员引争议 央视借星爷电影调侃2013-01-19 编辑:kahn
[每日一句口语] 每日一句口语 第330期:需要首发命中
今天的每日一句是: If you're going after big game, you got to take it down with your first shot.2013-01-22 编辑:Nic
[美剧每日一句] 美剧每日一句 第79期:死神无处不在
今天的每日一句是: Death is everywhere. Most of us try to avoid it. Others can't get out of its way.2013-01-22 编辑:Nic