[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):迪士尼违反劳动法 将支付一大笔钱给员工
Now the parks have to pay a total of 3.8 million dollars in back wages to more than 16,000 employees.现在,公园向超过16,000名员工支付了共380万美元的拖欠工资。2017-03-19 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):尼日利亚最大城市拉各斯面临水危机
Lagos, Nigeria,a city on the coast of Africa and built on a lagoon,is struggling with a major water crisis.非洲沿海并建立在泻湖上的城市尼日利亚拉各斯,现在正面临重大的水危机。2017-03-20 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):澳大利亚蜘蛛的毒液可以防止中风脑损伤
The venom from an Australian funnel web spider can kill a person in about 15 minutes. It might also prevent brain damage after a stroke.澳大利亚漏斗网蜘蛛的毒液可以在15分钟杀死一个人。但它也可能预防中风脑损伤。2017-03-21 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):教你几招如何阻止性骚扰
How would you respond if you saw a sexual assault take place?如果你看到性侵发生,你会怎么回应?2017-03-22 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):朝鲜试射导弹失败 几秒之后在空中爆炸
North Korea tested another missile on Wednesday. But according to U.S. military officials, it exploded seconds after being launched. 周三,朝鲜试射了另一枚导弹。但据美国军方官员称,导弹发射几秒后爆炸。2017-03-23 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):如何防止前来偷窃的狒狒
Scientists are helping South Africa track a band of persistent criminals: baboons.科学家正在帮助南非追踪一群持久的罪犯:狒狒。2017-03-24 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):研究发现大多数吸烟者社会经济地位低
More than 36 million U.S. adults smoke cigarettes, and a majority of those adults are of a low socioeconomic status. 超过3,600万美国成年人吸烟,其中大多数成年人的社会经济地位低。2017-03-25 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):澳大利亚发现最大的恐龙足迹
Talk about leaving a mark. Meet the world's biggest dinosaur footprint.说到留下痕迹。现在发现世界上最大的恐龙足迹。2017-03-28 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):澳大利亚发现最大的恐龙足迹
Talk about leaving a mark. Meet the world's biggest dinosaur footprint.说到留下痕迹。现在发现世界上最大的恐龙足迹。2017-03-28 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):热带气旋“黛比”袭击澳大利亚
Tropical Cyclone Debbie made landfall in Australia. And the violent storm is packing quite a punch.热带气旋“黛比”登陆澳大利亚。带来的暴风雨非常猛烈。2017-03-29 编辑:kahn
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:美国养鸡大州佐治亚暴发第一例禽流感
This means the outbreak of the disease is present in the United States' biggest chicken meat-producing state. 这意味着该疾病的爆发出现在美国最大的鸡肉生产州。2017-03-29 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):泰国东部丛林发现濒危印度支那虎种群
The Indochinese tiger has been a critically endangered species for years now.多年来印度支那虎是濒危物种。2017-03-30 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):中国的象牙贸易正大幅下降
China's illegal ivory trade is dying.中国的非法象牙贸易正在消亡。And that's fantastic news for Africa's waning elephant population.这对于非洲日渐衰弱的大象种群来说是个好消息。2017-04-01 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):中国正在扩大大熊猫保护区
Wild pandas living in the mountains of China are getting a lot of extra room to play thanks to a massive new animal preserve.生活在中国山区的大熊猫有更多的空间玩耍了,这得益于大规模的新动物保护计划。2017-04-02 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):哥伦比亚泥石流造成250多人死亡
Hundreds of people are dead and hundreds more missing after severe mudslides in Colombia.哥伦比亚发生严重泥石流,造成数百人死亡,并有数百人失踪。2017-04-03 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):特朗普政府下美国的旅游业正面临衰退
The U.S. tourism industry is bracing for a slump during the Trump administration, particularly from south of the border.美国旅游业在特朗普政府下正面临衰退,尤其来自南部边境。2017-04-04 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):科学家们正在开发一种有效的寨卡病毒疫苗
The fight against Zika just took a huge step forward.对抗寨卡病毒前进了一大步。2017-04-05 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):欧盟能源公司作出重大承诺遏制煤炭使用
National energy companies from every EU nation except Poland and Greece were a part of the announcement Wednesday. 周三,来自除波兰和希腊以外的每个欧盟国家能源公司参加了公告。2017-04-06 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):美国财政部长表示叙利亚将面临更多制裁
Although he didn't give a specific time frame, Mnuchin said the sanctions "will be coming out in the near future."虽然他没有给出具体的时间框架,姆努钦说,制裁”将在不久的将来”实施。2017-04-09 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):几十年内二氧化碳水平可能达到5000万年来最高值
A new study shows carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere could reach a 50-million-year high by the middle of this century.一项新的研究显示,到本世纪中叶大气中的二氧化碳浓度可能达到5000万年来的最高值。2017-04-07 编辑:kahn