[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):慕尼黑警方接到恐怖信息疏散火车站
Authorities in Munich have shut down two train stations and told people to avoid crowds if possible because of an "active threat of a terror attack." 慕尼黑当局关闭了两处火车站,并告诉人们如果可能的话尽量避开人群,因为“接到恐怖..2016-01-01 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):迪拜酒店大火 烟火表演继续
Despite the hotel being just about a mile away, the government decided the fire wasn't enough to stop the party.尽管距离酒店只有一英里远,但政府决定大火不足以停止演出。2016-01-02 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):印度空军基地袭击事件造成8人死亡
An alleged terror attack in Punjab, India, left five gunmen and three Indian soldiers dead on Saturday morning. 周六上午,印度旁遮普声称发生恐怖袭击,造成五名枪手和三名印度士兵死亡。2016-01-03 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):奥巴马概述行政手段管制枪械
On Monday, President Obama announced he’s going to take executive action in an effort to reduce the rate of gun violence in America.周一奥巴马总统宣布将采取行政行动,减少美国枪支暴力事件的发生率。2016-01-05 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):阿富汗1名美国士兵遇难2名受伤
Officials said they came under fire during a counterterrorism operation. Several Afghan forces were also reportedly wounded.官员称其在反恐行动中遭到炮火袭击。据报道一些阿富汗部队也受了伤。2016-01-06 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):朝鲜核爆试验引发地震
North Korea's state-run media says the country has a hydrogen bomb to use "for self-defense," specifically against the U.S. and South Korea. The country reportedly tested the bomb Wednes..2016-01-07 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):韩国将在边境恢复喊话广播
In response to North Korea's claim it successfully tested a hydrogen bomb, South Korea is resuming its propaganda broadcasts at the border.为回应朝鲜声称成功试验一枚氢弹,韩国正在恢复朝韩边境喊话广播。2016-01-08 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):报道称叙利亚难民吃树叶维持生存
The United Nations has been approved to provide resources to a Syrian town where most residents are reportedly eating leaves and grass to survive.联合国已批准向叙利亚一城镇提供资源,据报道那里大多数居民都在吃树叶和青草维持生存。2016-01-09 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):墨西哥政府愿意引渡大毒枭前往美国
Mexican officials are apparently willing to extradite recently recaptured drug lord Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmn to the U.S. 墨西哥官员似乎愿意引渡最近抓捕的毒枭Guzmn前往美国。2016-01-10 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):也门又一家无国界医院被袭击
Yemen's conflict has been devastating to other hospitals around the country as many don't have the funds or supplies to keep running. 也门的冲突对全国其它医院造成了毁灭性的打击,因医院没有资金或物资来维持运转。2016-01-11 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):朝鲜扣押涉嫌从事间谍活动的美国公民
Another American is being held in North Korea after being accused of spying. 另一名美国公民涉嫌间谍活动在朝鲜被关押。2016-01-12 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):伊朗将释放10名被拘留的美国海军士兵
This incident comes just one month after the U.S. Navy accused Iran of conducting a live-fire exercise just 1,500 yards away from a passing U.S. Carrier.刚好在一个月前,美国海军指责伊朗进行了一场实弹演习,距路过的美国航母仅1500码。2016-01-13 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):欧洲雇主可以查看员工个人信息
The employer reportedly had a blanket ban on sending personal messages at work, and the company had warned the man before that his messages could be read.据报道,雇主禁止在工作期间发送个人信息,该公司此前曾警告过该男子他的信息可以被读取。2016-01-14 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):印度尼西亚袭击事件造成至少七人死亡
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks in Indonesia's capital that killed at least seven people and injured more than a dozen.印度尼西亚首都袭击事件造成至少七人死亡十多人受伤,ISIS组织宣称对此负责。2016-01-15 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):布基纳法索恐怖袭击造成数十人死亡
The same group who claimed responsibility for this attack also took credit for a very similar attack on a hotel in Mali last November that left at least 22 people dead. 声称对此次袭击事件负责的相同组织同样对去年马里一酒店造成2..2016-01-17 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):三名美国承包商在伊拉克失踪
The U.S. State Department confirmed Sunday it's working with officials in Iraq to locate three American contractors who have gone missing.美国国务院星期日证实正在与伊拉克官员合作寻找三名失踪的美国承包商。2016-01-18 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):母乳喂养全球每年能挽救800,000多个孩子
Breastfeeding could prevent the deaths of more than 800,000 children each year around the world, according to new research.根据最新研究,全球范围内母乳喂养可以避免每年800,000多个孩子死亡。2016-01-30 编辑:kahn
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:叙利亚学校和医院遭空袭 数十人遇难
The U.S. State Department blamed the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad and his Russian backers for the attacks.美国国务院指责叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德政权及其俄罗斯支持者。2016-02-16 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):英国一废弃电站突然倒塌
Authorities in a south England town say at least one person has been killed after an unused power station collapsed.英国南部城镇一未使用的电站倒塌,当局称至少造成一人死亡。2016-02-25 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):金正恩2016新年讲话
Because nothing says "Happy New Year" like reminding the world you're ready for war. 没有什么比提醒世界已经准备好了战争更能表达“新年快乐”。2016-01-04 编辑:kahn