[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:委内瑞拉释放一名美国公民
According to Reuters on Saturday, the Venezuelan government released American Josh Holt, who was held since 2016 on weapons charges. 据路透社周六报道,委内瑞拉政府释放了2016年因武器指控被拘捕的美国人乔什·霍尔特。2018-05-30 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:奥巴马话语影射特朗普
At an event last week in Las Vegas hosted by identity security company Okta, former U.S. president Barack Obama says he is enjoying life outside of the Oval Office. 上周,由身份安全公司奥克塔在拉斯维加斯举办的活动中,美国前总统奥..2018-05-31 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普在就业报告公布前发推特
Politico's Ben White and Aubree Eliza Weaver reported Monday, the former National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn kept the monthly jobs report away from President Donald Trump. 据美国新闻网站“政治”的..2018-06-13 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:蓬佩奥表示若朝鲜弃核美愿提供安全保障
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told journalists in Singapore that the U.S. will give North Korea the security assurances it needs that denuclearization is not something that ends badly for them. 美国..2018-06-14 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普特赦迪索萨
On Thursday, U.S. President Donald Trump said he will grant a full pardon to conservative commentator Dinesh D'Souza, who was sentenced in 2014 to five years of probation for federal campaign la..2018-06-04 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普发表推文表示有绝对的权力赦免自己
In a series of tweets Monday morning, President Donald Trump said he had the absolute right to pardon himself. 周一上午,美国总统唐纳德•特朗普在推特上发表了一系列言论表明自己有绝对的权力赦免自己。2018-06-11 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:首席经济顾问拉里·库德洛对美国经济发表看法
In response to recently being asked whether Donald Trump's tariffs could jeopardize the strong U.S. economic growth, Larry Kudlow, the president's top economic advisors, said over the weeken..2018-06-12 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:民主党议员和数百名抗议者在新泽西州移民拘留机构外的抗议
According to Reuters, Democratic lawmakers joined hundreds of protesters outside an immigration detention facility in New Jersey for a Father's Day demonstration. 据路透社报道,民主党议员和数百名抗议者在新泽西州移民拘留机构..2018-06-19 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:美国联邦法院刑事指控保罗·马纳福特事件的新进展
Friends of embattled former Donald Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort have launched a legal defense fund, saying he's struggling to pay his legal bills. 唐纳德·特朗普备受抨击的前竞选经理保罗·马纳福特的朋友们成立了一个法律辩护基..2018-06-01 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:唐纳德·特朗普与金·卡戴珊会面
On Wednesday night President Donald Trump released a photo from his meeting with Kim Kardashian West about prison reform and sentencing. 周三晚上,总统唐纳德·特朗普发布了一张与金·卡戴珊·韦斯特会面的照片,内容是关于监狱改革和判刑。2018-06-06 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:美国前总统比尔·克林顿呼吁美国使用纸质投票系
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton is calling for a return to some sort of paper ballot system until authorities know how to fix the problem of cyberterrorism. 美国前总统比尔·克林顿呼吁美国回归使用纸质投票系统,直到当局知道如何解决网..2018-06-07 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:美国第一夫人梅拉尼娅探望移民儿童
According to a report by US Weekly, First Lady Melania Trump arrived in McAllen, Texas on Thursday, 据《美国周刊》报道,美国第一夫人梅拉尼娅·特朗普周四抵达得克萨斯州的麦卡伦,2018-06-25 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:朝鲜抨击美国提出流氓要求
Reuters reports North Korea accused the United States on Saturday of making "gangster-like" demands in talks over its nuclear program, 路透社报道,星期六朝鲜指责美国在有关核项目的会谈中提出“强盗般的”要求,2018-07-12 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:美朝高官纽约会谈正在进行,特朗普期待收到金正恩亲笔信
U.S. President Donald Trump said talks with North Korea in New York have been very positive and he is expecting the delegation from Pyongyang to travel to Washington to deliver a letter to him from ..2018-06-05 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普的前副竞选经理对黑人说不礼貌言辞
BuzzFeed reports that during a heated exchange on Fox &Friends, a former deputy campaign manager for President Donald Trump told a black guest on the show that he was "out of his cotton-picking ..2018-06-28 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:美国和俄罗斯领导人要见面了吗?
Russian President Vladimir Putin is blaming political obstacles in the U.S. for difficulties in arranging a future summit with Donald Trump. 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京指责美国的政治障碍,导致未来很难与唐纳德·特朗普举行峰会。2018-06-08 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:美国宣布对三名俄罗斯人和五家公司实施制裁,怀疑其与军事情报部门合作
On Monday Reuters reported that the U.S. Treasury imposed sanctions on three Russian individuals and five firms. 路透社报道,美国财政部周一宣布对三名俄罗斯人和五家公司实施制裁。2018-06-15 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普前竞选主席被送进监狱,等待审判
Reuters reports that Donald Trump's former election campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was sent to jail pending trial on Friday after being charged with witness tampering. 路透社报道,唐纳德·特朗普的前竞选主席保罗·马..2018-06-20 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普深陷桃色丑闻,13万美元封口费真相大曝光
Rudy Giuliani has joined Donald Trump's legal team and has made a handful of statements about a hush money payment to Stormy Daniels. 鲁迪·朱利安尼加入了唐纳德·特朗普的法律团队,并就向斯托米·丹尼尔斯付封口费一事发表了一些声明。2018-05-08 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普演讲以伦敦巴黎惨案为拥枪辩护,激怒英法
U.S. President Donald Trump sparked anger in France and Britain by suggesting looser gunlaws could have helped prevent deadly attacks in Paris in 2015. 美国总统唐纳德·特朗普暗示更宽松的枪支法律有助于防止2015年巴黎的致命袭击,这一做法招致..2018-05-09 编辑:Sara