[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普会撕毁伊核协议吗?
U.S. President Donald Trump will announce on Tuesday whether he will pull out of the Iran nuclear deal 美国总统特朗普周二将宣布是否退出伊朗核协议,2018-05-11 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:伊拉克称已抓获五名"伊斯兰国"头目
President Donald Trump tweeted Thursday that five of the "most wanted" ISIS leaders havebeen captured. 美国总统唐纳德·特朗普周四在推特上表示,五名“伊斯兰国”头号通缉犯已被抓获。2018-05-15 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普更换国家安全顾问,新任者是鹰派
Multiple sources to a political President Donald Trump's national security team is weighing the elimination of the top White House cybersecurity job. 多个消息来源称,唐纳德·特朗普的国家安全团队正在权衡取消白宫高级网络安全工作。2018-05-17 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普又出"金句":有些非法移民不是人是畜生
On Wednesday, Donald Trump said some unauthorized immigrants "aren't people" but "animals"who will be taken out of the country "at a rate that's never happened before...2018-05-18 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:"美国第一"还是"只有美国一个"?
The head of Germany’s DIHK Chambers of Commerce told media, German companies are concerned that U.S. President Donald Trump is increasingly thinking only of America rather than just putting his coun..2018-05-22 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:联邦调查局干预2016年美国大选?特朗普要求调查
On Monday, the Justice Department agreed to investigate "any irregularities" in FBI tactics related to President Trump's 2016 campaign. 周一,司法部同意调查有关2016年特朗普竞选活动中联邦调查局所使用的任何违规行为。2018-05-24 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:联邦调查局在特朗普团队安插"间谍"一事的调查
The White House has invited two House Republicans-but no Democrats-to the meeting with DOJ officials on the subject. 白宫邀请了两名众议院共和党人—但没有民主党人—与司法部官员就这一问题举行会谈。2018-05-25 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
ut these new scientists have learned that they can also be activated with ultraviolet light, which Mars has plenty of.但这些科学家已经认识到,它们也可以被紫外线激活,而火星上存在大量紫外线。2017-07-11 编辑:kahn
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:数百中美洲移民将抵美墨边境,特朗普忙下令阻拦
On Wednesday hundreds of Central American migrants from a caravan through Mexico reunited in Tijuana, and planned to cross into the United States together this weekend. 周三,数百名美洲移民乘坐“大篷车”抵达墨西哥城市提华纳..2018-04-30 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:以色列指责"伊朗撒谎" 游说特朗普
On Tuesday, a senior Israeli official said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu informed U.S. President Donald Trump about evidence of a past secret Iranian nuclear arms program in March. ..2018-05-03 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:教皇方济各批评特朗普移民政策:民粹主义不是解决办法
According to CNN on Wednesday, Pope Francis added his voice to those criticizing the Trump administration zero tolerance policy that's resulted in the separation of families at the Mexican borde..2018-06-21 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普面即将签署行政命令,以结束边界的家庭分离
According to CNN on Wednesday, President Donald Trump told reporters that he would take action shortly to both improve security on the border and help keep families together. 据美国有线电视新闻网周三报道,美国总统唐纳德..2018-06-22 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普:立即驱逐非法移民,不经法院审理
On Sunday Reuters reported that U.S. President Donald Trump sharpened his call to deport people who enter the United States illegally, 路透社周日报道称,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普加强了呼吁,将非法进入美国的人驱逐出境,2018-06-26 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普:总统唐纳德·特朗普在南卡罗来纳政坛中正遭遇困难
Politico reports that President Donald Trump is wading into the swamp of South Carolina politics in the latest test of his poll in Republican primaries. 政治新闻网站“政治”报道称,在共和党初选最近的民调结果中,总统唐纳德•特朗普..2018-06-27 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普:美国即将完成对欧盟汽车加征关税的研究
According to Reuters on Tuesday, U.S. President Donald Trump said the government was completing a study about increasing import tariffs on cars from the European Union and suggested he would take ac..2018-06-29 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普关税将使美GDP下降0.1%,消灭数万就业机会
Business Insider reports at the trade war sparked by President Donald Trump and his administration could lead to 100,000 Americans losing their jobs next year. 据《商业内幕》网报道,美国总统唐纳德•特朗普及其政府引发的贸易..2018-07-02 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:抨击OPEC并对盟友撂狠话!特朗普警告欧洲公司:离伊朗远点
Reuters reported that President Donald Trump has accused OPEC of manipulating world oil markets and warned it to stop. 路透社报道,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普指责欧佩克(石油输出国组织)操纵世界石油市场,并警告其停止。2018-07-03 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:特朗普政府开辟租赁市场,激发风电行业
Reuters reported on Thursday that the Trump administration wants to fire up developments of the U.S. offshore wind industry by carving out vast areas off the coast for leasing. 路透社周四报道称,特朗普政府希望通过在沿..2018-07-09 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:大量不安全堕胎,美国未来会成为什么样子呢?
It's a possible picture of what the United States may soon look like. 这可能是不久之后美国的场景。2018-07-10 编辑:Sara
[新闻快讯] 每日新闻一分钟:总统用私人电话和外国领导人通话
CNN reports that President Donald Trump's started handing out his personal cell phone number to world leaders shortly after he took office last year. 美国有线电视新闻网络报道,唐纳德·特朗普总统在去年上任后不久就向外国领导人公布他的私人..2018-07-13 编辑:Sara