[卫生体育] 每日新闻一分钟:史上最悲催主帅 前脚夺冠后脚被炒
Tuesday that Herrera’s contract had been terminated.墨西哥足协主席德马利亚在周二的新闻发布会上确认终止与埃雷拉的合同。2016-04-27 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 每日新闻一分钟:每周锻炼300分钟能预防乳腺癌?
Exercise may really be the best medicine.健身是最好的良药。2016-04-07 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 每日新闻一分钟:情绪真的可以传染吗?
Researchers found that while depression does not spread among friends,研究人员发现抑郁情绪不会在朋友之间传播,2016-03-03 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 每日新闻一分钟:戒烟红灯——吸烟者戒烟后体重为何增加?
According to new research, Body mass index and the number of cigarettes smoked per day can be used to predict weight changes during the decade after a smoker quits lighting up.最新研究表明:身体质量指数较高的和一天一支烟..2016-03-14 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 每日新闻一分钟:这是个暖心又充满希望的故事!
Christmas came early this year for smokers in Australia this year.澳大利亚的吸烟者们提前迎来了今年的圣诞节。2016-06-03 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
One in three adults report problems with insomnia, and when you’re feeling stressed or anxious, it is easy to pop some sleep aids for a quick fix every so often.三分之一的成年人深受失眠问题的困扰,当人们觉得压力过大或者紧张时,很容易出..2016-06-15 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
Children excel at collecting anything, especially bacteria on their hands after they've been playing outside.孩子们喜欢收集各种东西,尤其是在外玩耍后手上还会沾有大量细菌。2016-06-14 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
A lab in the UK may have received a sample of live anthrax from the Pentagon in 2007, say US officials.美国官员称,2007年英国的实验室收到了五角大楼寄出的活性炭疽杆菌样本。2016-06-13 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
A recent survey obtained by the Associated Press stated that abortions have declined in the United States since 2010.美联社最新一项调查称,2010年以来美国的堕胎率已经降低。2016-06-12 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
It may be time to follow in Barbie’s footsteps and say goodbye to those horribly painful stilettos.是时候跟随芭比娃娃的脚步,跟高跟鞋说再见了。2016-06-07 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
Don’t even think about ordering that Burger King veggie burger.汉堡王的蔬菜汉堡?想都不要想!2016-06-06 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
No more excuses on forgoing a quick workout because here is a simple — but not easy — workout that'll keep the sweat factor low and the efficiency high.再也不能找借口说不想运动啦,这里的几个看似简单实则不易的动作能让你出汗少,效率高。2016-06-02 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
The key to naturally glowing skin isn't waiting in the aisles at Sephora, it's waiting in the aisles of your local supermarket.拥有水嫩皮肤的秘诀并不是排长队购买丝芙兰(护肤品),而是要到附近的超市里逛逛。2016-06-01 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
Eating fruits and vegetables could boost fertility in both men and women, though men are less likely to act on the advice.多吃蔬果可以提高男性和女性的生育能力,虽然男士们不太可能会按照此建议行事。2016-05-31 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
US regulators have said, Trans fats are unsafe to eat and must be banned from the food supply within three years.美国监管机构称,食用反式脂肪酸对人体有害,所有食品工业三年内必须清除食品中的反式脂肪酸含量。2016-05-30 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
France's Ecology Minister Segolene Royal has urged people to stop eating Nutella because it is made with palm oil and damages the environment.法国生态部部长罗雅尔呼吁民众不要再食用能多益(Nutella)巧克力酱了,因为这种酱由棕榈油制成,会破坏..2016-05-27 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
Humans are wired to be awake during the day and sleep at night, but millions of Americans defy biology to pull the graveyard shift.人类白天活动,晚上睡觉,但是数百万名上夜班的美国人却无视这一生物规律。2016-05-26 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
Sunday just got more zen — June 21 is the International Day of Yoga.周日修禅养身——6月21日是国际瑜伽日。2016-05-25 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
A relaxing facial does a pampering session make—but, really, how beneficial is it for your skin?美容是给面部做一次特殊的护理,但美容能给你的皮肤带来多大好处?2016-05-23 编辑:clover
[卫生体育] 姣忔棩鏂伴椈涓
The next time you struggle to squeeze into a pair of ultra tight jeans, beware.下一次再穿超紧身牛仔裤的时候,你可得小心啦。2016-05-20 编辑:clover