[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴24:用于表示可能性(4)
Eric doesn’t have a prayer of passing the math exam today. 埃里克不可能通过今天的数学考试。2013-10-29 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴24:用于表示可能性(5)
这是一个非常好的机会。 It's now or never.机会不会降临第二次? /现在不做就没机会了.2013-10-30 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴24:用于表示可能性(6)
老师在大厅吗?This is usually said to indicate Blfs safe now." People say this when a danger has passed by.2013-11-04 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴24:用于表示可能性(8)
各半吧,我也不知道自己现在想吃什么。It's a toss-up. I’m not sure which I want to eat now.2013-11-08 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴24:用于表示可能性(7)
那正是我平生最担心的亊情。 People say this when a danger has passed by.2013-11-07 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴25:用于谈论幸运与否(3)
你怎样买到那么便宜的夹克? How did you buy a jacket so cheaply?2013-11-14 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴25:用于谈论幸运与否(4)
你右腿小腿骨粉碎性骨折,必须马上接受 B: Oh great, just my luck.喚,我这是走的 什么运?2013-11-15 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴25:用于谈论幸运与否(5)
(I'll keep) My fingers are crossed.祝顺利!A person will say this when he is wishing something will happen. He feels that “I really want this to happen."2013-11-19 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴23:用于表示"吃力 困难"(11)
听说你明天要远距离飞行。 B: Right. If anything happens, please take care of my kids.2013-10-18 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴23:用于表示"吃力 困难"(12)
不,不容易,是件很烦人的亊儿 No, it’s not. It's such a hassle.2013-10-22 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴25:用于谈论幸运与否(2)
I donl mean to press my luck, but.…虽然我不相信运气,但......2013-11-12 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴25:用于谈论幸运与否(1)
The) Best of luck (to).祝你好运。I祝你顺利。 Break a leg!祝你好运!(An old expression that actors used to say “Good luck".)2013-11-11 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴25:用于谈论幸运与否(6)
我太累了,跑不完马拉松全程了。 B: That’s too bad. Better luck next time.2013-11-20 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴25:用于谈论幸运与否(7)
knock on wood指过去的运气时,为了防止恶魔的诅咒而敲三下树木.2013-11-22 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴26:无论如何我都要做(1)
你为什么认为自己能考上耶鲁大学? Why do you think you’ll get into Yale University?2013-11-25 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴26:无论如何我都要做(2)
还没有,但是我们尽力争取早曰结束。 Why do you think you’ll get into Yale University?2013-11-26 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴26:无论如何我都要做(3)
我正尽力跟上别人的步调。 I'm doing my best to walk as fast as the others.2013-11-29 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴26:无论如何我都要做(4)
他总是让我觉得自己像个白痴。 He goes out of his way to make me feel like an idiot.2013-12-02 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴26:无论如何我都要做(5)
我完成了你交代的所有亊情。 I've done everything you asked me to do.2013-12-03 编辑:shaun
[掀起短句风暴] 掀起美剧短句风暴27:忙得无法开交(1)
不能,我一整天都很忙。 No. I'm tied up all day.2013-12-06 编辑:shaun