[中级口译历年真题] 2012年3月中级口译阅读理解第五篇原文
As the Occupy Wall Street protest enters its third week, demonstrators are making increasingly creative placards to ensure their voices are heard. Clever word play, bright colours, famous quotations2012-06-05 编辑:melody
[中级口译历年真题] 2012年3月中级口译阅读理解第六篇原文+答案
The days of the camera-toting tourist may be numbered. Insensitive travelers are being ordered to stop pointing their cameras and camcorders at reluctant local residents. Tour companies selling expen2012-06-06 编辑:melody
[口译备考资料] 英语中级口译资料笔记:词汇部分 变换用词(4)
词汇四 变换用词1.封建社会代替奴隶社会,资本主义社会代替封建社会,社会主义经历一个长过程发展后必定代替资本主义社会。代替:replace \ substitute…for\ instead of\ supersede(优越代替落后的)\ cover up\2012-06-06 编辑:melody
[翻译辅导] 中级口译英译汉必备15篇(15)
For a woman, conventional beauty is her only attribute. She is supposed to have no lines or wrinkles, no scars or blemishes. She is thin, generally tall and long legged, and above all young. All beau2012-05-30 编辑:melody
[中级口译历年真题] 2012年3月中级口译阅读理解第四篇原文+答案
However attractive the figures may look on paper, in the long run the success or failure of a merger depends on the human factor. When the agreement has been signed and the accountants have departed,2012-05-30 编辑:melody
[备考辅导] 2012英语翻译资格考试:笔译中级提高练习题(1)
1. The Kyoto Protocol has been designed to ____ the global environmental problems. A. dress B. Address C. stress D. distress 2. Part of the investment is to be used to ____ that old temple to i2012-06-14 编辑:melody
[中级口译历年真题] 2012春上海英语中级口译第二阶段考试分析(3)
INTERPRETATION TEST (Paper 0109) Part A Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start2012-06-18 编辑:melody
[备考辅导] 2012英语翻译资格考试:笔译中级提高练习题(2)
6. Our products are displayed in Stand B22, ____ you will find me during office hours. A. when B. Which C. that D. where 7. We cannot see any possibility of business _____ your price is on the2012-06-18 编辑:melody
[中级口译历年真题] 2012春上海英语中级口译第二阶段考试分析(4)
INTERPRETATION TEST (Paper 0111) Part ADirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start int2012-06-19 编辑:melody
[英孚口语] 步步为赢"英孚"口语教室中级第57课:洛杉矶闹市区
Downtown LA洛杉矶闹市区By the end of this lesson, you will be able to read about trends and discuss their effects.本课结束,你将能够读懂趋势和讨论影响。STUART: Elizabeth. Hello.伊丽莎白,你好。ELIZAB2012-06-25 编辑:rainbow
[中级口译模拟试题] 2012年翻译资格考试中级口译英译汉模拟题(1)
Passage 1 I think Chinese businesspeople tend to have business negotiations in a rather indirect manner, as opposed to the more direct style of American businesspeople, who are said to work wit2012-07-09 编辑:melody
[英孚口语] 步步为赢"英孚"口语教室中级第71课:家中的风水
Feng Shui at HomeBy the end of this lesson, you will be able to create an online advertisement for an apartment.NEW AGE ARTIST: Feng shui is a system of aesthetics which was developed in China over t2012-07-18 编辑:rainbow
[中级口译模拟试题] 2012年翻译资格考试:中级口译英译汉模拟题(3)
Passage 6 中国国际出版集团是中国最大的、最权威的外语出版发行单位,其前身是中央人民政府新闻出版署国际新闻局。 我集团坚持“让中国走向世界,让世界了解中国”的出版原则,全心致力于中国外语教育与研究事2012-07-24 编辑:melody
[] 步步为赢"英孚"口语教室中级第114课:Scandalous Affairs
1970-01-01 编辑:
[中级口译历年真题] 2012年9月中级口译考试听力音频
文本见后文!!!2012-09-21 编辑:melody
[英孚口语] 步步为赢"英孚"口语教室高级第16课:Scandalous Affairs
点击此处免费订阅此课程Scandalous Affairs丑闻By the end of this lesson, you will be able to evaluate different kinds of celebrity house.PROFESSOR: Fame and infamy—have been around longer than the pap2012-09-18 编辑:rainbow
[BEC考试经验] 商务英语中级考试听力做题技巧
播放录音前的一般会有几分钟的时间。快速在试卷上划出关键词。三个会话都划完后,小声重复这些关键词,这样会留下较为明确的印象。2012-11-30 编辑:kekenet
[BEC考试经验] 剑桥BEC中级真题阅读疑难词汇
自己在做题中整理的词汇,解释和例句部分是在灵格斯查的,部分是借鉴阅读解析。如有不当之处,欢迎指正。2012-11-30 编辑:kekenet
[BEC考试经验] BEC中级回忆篇:2012下半年商务英语BEC中级考试真题及答案
1.新西兰有名的乳业公司的发展。(由沪江网校BEC中级暑期通关班学员硝化纤维Uy提供) 2.好像讲的是公司策略什么的,A是某公司开始从生物科技向什么方向逐渐转型吧。(由沪友liushabianyu提供)2012-12-07 编辑:dodoflye
[BEC考试经验] 网友回忆版:2012下半年BEC高级考试真题及答案
关于felxible working time,8条里有一条提到flexible working使经理不能很好地管理员工,有一条提到要换经理,有一条提到公司可以牺牲利益给员工flexible working,因此留住员工,还有特定种类员工喜欢flexible working,flexible working 的方式,换掉不能适应flexible working 的经理。2012-12-07 编辑:dodoflye