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Severity: Notice

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Severity: Warning

Message: Memcache::connect(): Can't connect to, Connection refused (111)

Filename: libraries/Cache_file.php

Line Number: 28

双语达人文章精选_双语达人- 可可英语


您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 双语达人 的文章共有:162
  • [双语达人] 爆笑自拍:伦敦小孩模仿全世界24种英语口音


    2011-12-31 编辑:jasmine

  • [双语达人] 6步教你写出漂亮的邮件

    If you're reading this, there's a good chance that you have an email account. You may well have several — perhaps separate accounts for professional and personal contacts.[qh]如果你正在阅读这

    2012-01-12 编辑:jasmine

  • [健康生活] 自制令人垂涎欲滴的老北京烤鸭


    2012-01-20 编辑:jasmine

  • [双语达人] 智慧人生:20个小改变 影响你的一生

    Small, simple life changes can be powerful. Implementing some of these changes can literally change your entire life. How do you change? Take on one change at a time, and go slowly. Implement each ch

    2012-01-16 编辑:jasmine

  • [双语达人] 双语达人:韩寒接受Economist采访

    China's star blogger on 2012.中国明星博主对2012年的展望.[qh]He's the man man[qh]真正的男人[qh]Han Han, one of the most widely read bloggers in a country that censors its independent voices, i

    2012-01-11 编辑:jasmine

  • [双语达人] 2012世界末日9大预兆

    小编摘要:当下,流行文化中最赚钱的话题是僵尸、吸血鬼和世界末日——这也合情合理。本文在向玛雅预言致敬的同时,也为你揭示2012世界末日来临的9个另类征兆。$8.5 billion ain't what it used to beBack in J

    2012-01-11 编辑:jasmine

  • [双语达人] 婚姻悖论:逃不了的围城

    On TV, in film, and in "Save the Date" cards tacked to fridges everywhere, we are steeped in the cultural white noise of wedding voyeurism and schadenfreude. A new study threatens to change the conve

    2012-01-09 编辑:jasmine

  • [双语达人] 关于接吻你所不知道的13个秘密

    Are you aware of a variety of interesting facts and details about a kiss? Is kissing good or bad for you? Can you slim down by kissing too much? Below are some of the most curious things about kissin

    2012-01-09 编辑:jasmine

  • [双语达人] 铁道部订票网站经受严峻考验


    2012-01-06 编辑:jasmine

  • [双语达人] 2012找个伴儿:8招帮你找到幸福真爱

    1. Leave the past in the past[qh]过去的就过去了[qh]When you meet someone new, leave any negative feelings or past heartbreaks just where they should be—in the past.[qh]当你遇见新的合适的对象,让以往

    2012-01-18 编辑:jasmine

  • [双语达人] 有关"龙"的汉语成语(双语)

    2012年是中国的龙年, 从历史影响上看,龙在中华大地呼风唤雨近万年,最终成为民族图腾,精神象征,文化标志,情感纽带。在中国文化中,龙有着重要的地位和影响。上下数千年,龙已渗透了中国社会的各个方面,成为一种

    2012-01-29 编辑:jasmine

  • [双语达人] "Hold住姐"何以爆红网络?

    "Hold", a primary school vocabulary word, became buzzword among Chinese netizens in 2011 after Xie Yilin, a 21-year-old drama major in Taiwan, popularized it during her debut performance on the well-

    2012-02-03 编辑:jasmine

  • [双语达人] 双语达人:人生的十种奢望

    Here is a voice of hope! If you, you will also complain about the unfair fate of it?[qh]声音是一种奢望在这里,声音是一种奢望!如果是你,你还会埋怨命运的不公吗?[qh]Here is an extravagant hope to have b

    2012-01-31 编辑:Jasmine

  • [双语达人] 双语达人:《愤怒的小鸟》教给我的5个人生道理

    I play Angry Birds. I don't know too many people with a smart phone who don't. Good or bad, the game is highly addictive, and sometimes I feel guilty about the time spent playing. Other times

    2012-02-01 编辑:Jasmine

  • [双语达人] 双语达人:"Siri娘"萌物语

    On Oct. 4, 2011 Apple Inc. unveiled its long-awaited new iPhone 4S, just one day before the death of its co-founder Steve Jobs. The centerpiece of the new device is the "virtual assistant" feature, S

    2012-02-06 编辑:jasmine

  • [双语达人] 万众瞩目:2012最值得期待的10件事

    Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee伊丽莎白女王登基60年庆典It's been, like, nine whole months since Anglophiles had an excuse to get in a tizzy over something terribly British and fusty-soundin

    2012-02-07 编辑:jasmine

  • [双语达人] 中国年轻人的"中产阶级焦虑症"

    Ni Lu takes things one step at a time. "It's most realistic to set yourself targets for the next three or five years — longer periods of time you can't control," the Shanghai girl says.[qh]倪

    2012-02-02 编辑:Jasmine

  • [双语达人] 肯德基声明:无"帅哥送餐"业务

    A woman ordered food on KFC's official site and wrote down that she wanted a good-looking man to deliver food.[qh]一女子在肯德基网站订餐,指明要帅哥(天然呆)送餐。[qh]Branches of KFC in China de

    2012-02-08 编辑:jasmine

  • [双语达人] 何谓小资 Enjoy Life, You Petty Bourgeoisie

    China's new crop of hedonists indulge themselves, whether or not they can afford it.[qh]不管能否负担得起,中国的新一茬享乐主义族群都在纵情享乐。[qh]By Shepherd Laughlin[qh]文/谢泼德·劳克林 译/王

    2012-02-13 编辑:jasmine

  • [双语达人] 双语达人:透视"穿越剧"爆红背后的秘密

    Stephen Hawking, one of the world's smartest physicists, once said: "I'm obsessed by time. "[qh]作为世界最为智慧的物理学家之一,斯蒂芬·霍金曾说过:我对时间非常痴迷。 [qh]Many of us are, and t

    2012-02-10 编辑:jasmine