[别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第57期:一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳
原文欣赏Who's Heather? Do you know her last name?海瑟是谁 你知道她姓什么吗I can't tell you.我不能告诉你You afraid? What are you afraid of?你在害怕 你在怕谁Samantha...no one is going t2012-06-13 编辑:lily
[碟中谍4] 《碟中谍4:幽灵协议》精讲第22期:不到最后一刻绝不轻易放弃
原文欣赏There has to be a way to abort the warhead.肯定有办法中止弹头If there is one, it'll be on the launch device.那应该就是在发射装置上We're gonna get that case.我们要拿到那个箱子M2012-06-11 编辑:lily
[碟中谍4] 《碟中谍4:幽灵协议》精讲第23期:很荣幸能与你们相识相知
原文欣赏Thanks for meeting me.谢谢你们来找我So, I hear the insurance company's refusing我听说保险公司拒不赔付to pay the claim on that car you crashed, Ethan.你撞毁的那辆车 伊森Something abou2012-06-13 编辑:lily
[冰河世纪3] 影视精讲《冰河世纪番外》第2期:石头太给力了
原文视听台词赏析:Every year my dad would bring home the biggest,fattest gazelles he could find and then we'd all rip into their...our presents.每一年我老爸都会把他找到最大 最快的瞪羚带回家 然2012-06-13 编辑:finn
[《简爱Jane Eyre》英剧] 影视课堂《简爱》2011版第59期:宾至如归
边睹边读影视片花:台词欣赏:Ms. Fairfax: How do you do, my dear?亲爱的,你好吗?Jane: Are you Mrs. Fairfax?您是Fairfax夫人吗?Ms. Fairfax: Indeed I am.我正是。What a tedious journey you must have had2012-06-14 编辑:Ballet
[黑天鹅] 影视课堂《黑天鹅》第26期:演艺圈的潜规则吗?
边睹边读影视欣赏:台词欣赏:Nina: Beth! I'm so sorry to hear you're leaving the company.Beth 很遗憾听到你要离开舞团了。Beth: What did you do to get this role?你做了什么才拿到这个角色?He alwa2012-06-14 编辑:Ballet
[黑天鹅] 影视课堂《黑天鹅》第25期:再拍个马屁
边睹边读影视片花:台词欣赏:There you are. Come on.你在这里, 跟我来。Hey. They tried to eat you alive, but here you are.嘿! 他们想把你生吞活剥,但你在这儿飘然。You did well.你的表现很好。Really?真的2012-06-13 编辑:Ballet
[美少女的谎言] 影视精讲《美少女的谎言》第74期:我们没说要离婚
原文视听台词赏析:Do you want some coffee? It's reasonably fresh.你要喝咖啡吗 才煮好的Oh, no. No thank you.不用了 谢谢I just wanted to make sure that I didn't forget to give you this2012-06-13 编辑:finn
[别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第53期:是怎样的恐惧让你口是心非
原文欣赏Not her.不是她It's been two hours.过了2小时了You think we cantrust that pervert?那个性变态信得过吗Yeah, in my experience,经验告诉我可以self-castrating pedophiles generally tell the tr2012-06-07 编辑:lily
[碟中谍4] 《碟中谍4:幽灵协议》精讲第21期:无论何时不要对自己丧失信心
原文欣赏Satellite weaponized and online.卫星已经武器化并且联网Upload the new authentication codes.上传新的鉴别代码Lock Russian Central Command out of the system.将俄中央司令部锁定在系统外Isolate the2012-06-07 编辑:lily
[《简爱Jane Eyre》英剧] 影视课堂《简爱》2011版第54期:没齿难忘的教育
边睹边读影视片花:台词欣赏:Mr. Brocklehurst: The new girl.那个新来的姑娘。This is the pedestal of infamy, and you will remain upon it all day long.这是恶行的根基,你得在这凳子上站一整天。You will ha2012-06-07 编辑:Ballet
[冰河世纪3] 影视精讲《冰河世纪3》第9期:和一只凤梨结婚了
原文视听台词欣赏:Everybody stop!都别动I smell something.闻起来有异常It smells like a butt of bare fell off.闻起来像个掉下来的秃家伙的屁股And It is spraddle by a bunch of skunk. That's it.被一2012-06-07 编辑:finn
[美少女的谎言] 影视精讲《美少女的谎言》第69期:自负心理
原文视听台词欣赏:Mom?妈Wait, so people just let you do this?等等 他们允许你这么做吗I mean, you go up to them and say,2012-06-07 编辑:finn
[黑天鹅] 影视课堂《黑天鹅》第22期:自然才才是美丽
边睹边读影视片花:台词欣赏:Tutor: Long arms. Feel the space. That is beautiful.手臂伸长,感受空间。这非常美丽。Step, and step, and... Epaulement, and again.舞步,舞步,侧肩姿,好再做一次。Thomas: Wa2012-06-08 编辑:Ballet
[别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第58期:谎言的后果你是无法预见的
原文欣赏You bring all your dates here?所有女朋友你都带到这来吗Just the ugandan peace activists.只有那个乌干达和平活动分子Actually, I don't...实际上 我没I don't go out on many dates.我2012-06-14 编辑:lily
[碟中谍4] 《碟中谍4:幽灵协议》精讲第24期:保护她是我不可推卸的责任
原文欣赏I know your wife is dead.我知道你妻子死了I was there in Croatia.我当时也在克罗地亚I was there for one reason.我去那里只有一个任务One. And I failed.一个 我却失败了It was my job to protect her.2012-06-14 编辑:lily
[冰河世纪3] 影视精讲《冰河世纪番外》第3期:圣诞的魔力
原文视听台词赏析:Okay, okay. Let's just keep it together.好吧 好吧 我们把它粘起来It really is about the spirit of Christmas, isn't it?这是一种圣诞精神 对吗You're about to b2012-06-14 编辑:finn
[《简爱Jane Eyre》英剧] 影视课堂《简爱》2011版第60期:彻底彻尾的教育
边睹边读影视片花:台词欣赏:Mr. Rivers: This school you were at, Miss Elliott,Elliott小姐 你读过的这所学校this charitable institution, what did it prepare you for?这所慈善教育机构都教你什么Was it a t2012-06-15 编辑:Ballet
[美少女的谎言] 影视精讲《美少女的谎言》第75期:我站在风口处了
原文视听<台词赏析:I mean, I feel like I'm living inside of this wind tunnel.就感觉自己站在风口All of this stuff is just flying at me.烦心事不停的朝我这飞Well, the wind dies down to a n2012-06-14 编辑:finn
[黑天鹅] 影视课堂《黑天鹅》第27期:醉翁之意不在“戏”
影视片花:台词欣赏:Thomas: Don't worry. It's typical.别担心, 她喝醉就是这样。Please. I thought it would be good to talk about the role.请坐, 我认为聊一下角色不错。Drown this a little.冲淡一2012-06-15 编辑:Ballet