[三级写作] 2012公共英语三级写作必备句型(5)
表示措施 1)We should take some effective measures. 2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties. 3)We should do our utmost in doing sth. 4)We should solve the problems th2012-06-27 编辑:echo
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(5)
The plunging water has worn away the lower rocks so that there are caves behind the sheets of water of both falls. Sightseers may enter the Cave of the Winds at the foot of the American falls and get2012-06-27 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(6)
New Zealand is a South Pacific country located midway between the Equator and the South Pole. Lying within the South Temperate Zone, New Zealand has an oceanic climate, without extremes of heat or co2012-07-03 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(7)
The Sydney Opera House is the mother and father of all modern landmark buildings. Although its architect was forced to resign and it was never properly finished inside, the opera house has come to de2012-07-05 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(8)
中国是个多宗教的国家。主要宗教有佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、天主教和基督教。佛教在 中国已有 2000 多年的历史。现在中国有佛教寺院 1.3 万余座,出家僧尼约 20 万人。道教发 源于中国,已有 1700 多年历史。中国现有2012-07-07 编辑:melody
[阅读辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(9)
You'll find restaurants for every situation in the United States. If you're in a hurry, you may just want to grab some "junk food" at a grocery store, or you can get a bite2012-07-09 编辑:melody
[美语训练班] 美语训练班第33课:"必备单品"和"瞎指挥"用英语怎么说?
A: Happy New Year! 欢迎大家来到2012年第一期的美语训练班! 我是杨琳!B: 我是 Kat! Happy New year everyone! First, Let's see what we're going to learn today!A: 好!今天,咱们要挥动大斧子2012-07-10 编辑:rainbow
[美语训练班] 美语训练班第34课:"必备单品"和"瞎指挥"用英语怎么说?
A: 美语训练班的时间到啦!我是杨琳!B: 我是 Kat! 今天我们学点什么呢,杨琳?A: 咱们要学游,要去租车渡假,要阻止同事们乱传闲话,还要告诉大家怎么用美语说“抢手货”,和“虚惊一场”。B: But first we have &2012-07-11 编辑:rainbow
[三级写作] 2012公共英语三级写作必备句型(6)
表示变化 1)Some changes have taken place in the past five years. 2)A great change will certainly be produced in the world's communications. 3)The computer has brought about many chan2012-07-12 编辑:echo
[三级写作] 2012公共英语三级写作必备句型(7)
表示事实、现状 1)We cannot ignore the fact that.…… 2)No one can deny the fact that.…… 3)There is no denying the fact that.…… 4)This is a phenomenon that many people are interested i2012-07-13 编辑:echo
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(12)
The utility of the United Nations to the United States as an instrument of foreign policy can too easily be underestimated. Over the years since its founding in 1945, the United Nations has been more2012-07-17 编辑:melody
[三级写作] 2012公共英语三级写作必备句型(8)
表示比较 1)Compared with A,B.…… 2)I prefer to read rather than watch TV. 3)There is a striking contrast between them. 例如: Compared with cars, bicycles have several advantages be2012-07-23 编辑:echo
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(14)
Our country has been a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development for almost 30 years. Global economic issues are among the core elements of post- Cold War international rela2012-07-24 编辑:melody
[高级口译翻译辅导] 高级口译英译汉必备15篇(15)
Round-the-clock timetable is changing our way of life. The 21st century office never leaves us. We bring our wireless cell phones and notebook computers when vacationing. There are people who bring t2012-07-26 编辑:melody
[SAT写作辅导] 一个SAT作文拿高分的必备模板
想要拿到SAT作文高分成绩对于大部分中国考生来说都不是一件容易的事,所以在备考的过程中准备一个恰当的模板进行参考就十分的必要了。下面小编就为大家爱整理了一个SAT作文必备模板,关于结构的划分,非常实用,2012-08-07 编辑:echo
[雅思写作辅导] 雅思写作实用必备句型452句(1)
1.sign sb 与(球员明星)签约 2.be heavily influenced by 3.His fee was then a British record of $ 28 million. 4.Despite repeated criticism, A has always been supportive of sb. 5.A is str2012-09-04 编辑:rainbow
[雅思写作辅导] 雅思写作实用必备句型452句(2)
下面新东方网雅思频道为大家整理了雅思写作实用句型452句(2),供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。 101.an 11pm light-out rule 11点熄灯 102.Judge me on the basis of result, and not on style. 103.2012-09-05 编辑:rainbow
[雅思写作辅导] 雅思写作实用必备句型452句(3)
下面新东方网雅思频道为大家整理了雅思写作实用句型452句(3),供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。 201.The ugly advertisement is a blot on the beautiful landscape. 202.Very rarely do de123ders beco2012-09-06 编辑:rainbow
[新闻热词] 白领必备口语:"拍马屁"英语怎么说?
平常我跟邻居很少来往,不过前两天,她忽然给我送来一篮子新鲜曲奇饼干。我最开始还很高兴,不过后来得知,她最近想在院子里修一个篱笆,而这样做必须得到整个社区居民的同意,当然也包括我。这也让我想到了一句习惯2012-09-11 编辑:justxrh
[GRE备考经验] GRE备考必备:GRE词汇备考常用工具小结
一、书籍类:1 红宝书:其重要性毋庸置疑,迄今收集GRE词汇最全的书,几乎每个考G的莘莘学子们都人手一本。以下基本书的使用亦是建立熟悉该书的基础上而展开。2 蓝宝书:单词量比红宝书小,在这本书的使用上存在两种2012-10-23 编辑:Mike