[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第90期:寸草不留
寸草不留Stripped bare.2015-08-19 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第91期:大吹大擂
中英俚语俗语来源:元曲选·贾仲名·萧淑兰:“小的每与我大吹大擂者。”2015-08-20 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第92期:大打出手
eg:They argued first and then came to blows.2015-08-21 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第93期:大发雷霆
eg:The boss came down like a ton of bricks when he learned the bad news.2015-08-24 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第94期:大公无私
大公无私The balance distinguishes not between gold and lead.2015-08-25 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第95期:大功告成
反义词:功亏一篑 Another course would have done it.2015-08-26 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第97期:大惊小怪
eg:Such things happened very often, don't be much matter of a wooden platter.反义词:若无其事 As if nothing has happened.2015-08-28 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第98期:大开眼界
eg:Travelling opens a person's eyes to the outside world.反义词:鼠目寸光 See no further than one's nose.2015-08-31 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第99期:大器晚成
中英俚语俗语来源:老子:“大方无隅,大器晚成。”同义词:十年树木,百年树人 A skill is not acquired in a matter of days.2015-09-01 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第100期:大煞风景
中英俚语俗语来源:李义山·杂篡:“其一曰煞风景,谓清泉灌足,花上晒裤,背山起楼,烧琴煮鹤,对花啜茶,松下喝道也”2015-09-02 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第101期:大势已去
eg:The captain saw that the ship began to sink and knew that the day is lost.反义词:如日中天 The goose hang high2015-09-03 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第102期:大同小异
中英俚语俗语来源:唐·卢同·玉川子诗集·与马异结交:“同不同,异自异,是谓大同而小异。”同义词:不相上下 As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb.反义词:判若云泥 A world of difference.2015-09-04 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第106期:胆小如鼠
eg:She is as timid as a mouse and does not know how to answer the question.同义词:前怕狼,后怕虎 Too much taking heed is loss.2015-09-10 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第107期:当机立断
中英俚语俗语来源:文选·陈琳·答东阿王笺:“拂钟无声,应机立断。”同义词:快刀斩乱麻 Cut the Gordian knot.2015-09-11 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第108期:倒行逆施
eg:To put the cart before the horse is to turn things upside down. 中英俚语俗语来源:史记·伍子胥列传:“吾日暮途远,吾故倒行而逆施之。”2015-09-14 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第109期:道貌岸然
eg:The girl looks as if butter would not melt in her mouth when she sits next to her teacher.中英俚语俗语来源:续仙传:“李延情景恬檐,道貌秀异。”2015-09-15 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第110期:道听途说
eg:I hear over the grapevine that you are moving to Shanghai.中英俚语俗语来源:论语·阳货:“道听而途说,德之弃也。”2015-09-16 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第111期:得不偿失
eg:You'll find the game is not worth the candle if you put your money on that horse.中英俚语俗语来源:苏轼诗:“感时磋事变,所得不偿失。”2015-09-17 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第112期:得过且过
eg:It's not easy to find a job, so let well enough alone with what you have now.中英俚语俗语来源:陶宗仪·辍耕录:“寒号虫至深冬严寒之际,自鸣曰,得过且过。”2015-09-18 编辑:alice
[成语中英翻译精选] 成语中英翻译精选 第113期:得心应手
eg:For you to teach the primary school is as clay in the hands of the potter.中英俚语俗语来源:“庄子·天道不徐不疾,得之于手而应于心。”2015-09-21 编辑:alice