[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI基础口译教材(配套Mp3+文本)Unit1-5:突尼斯大使穆罕默德·萨赫比·
Journalist:We are so pleased to be here today. As we know, in land size or population,Tunisia is comparatively small.2014-07-23 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit2-7:温家宝在澳大利亚总理举行的欢
It is a great pleasure for me to be with you today and to meet with all the Australian friends present. May I begin by expressing our heartfelt thanks to you, Prime Minister John Howard, for your gr..2014-08-01 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit3-1:全球调查发现大多数人反对文明
It is a great pleasure for me to be with you today and to meet with all the Australian friends present. May I begin by expressing our heartfelt thanks to you, Prime Minister John Howard, for your gr..2014-08-04 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit3-2:法国人民抵制英语
Leadingthe charge of the French language brigade in its latest skirmish was French MPJacques Miyar.2014-08-05 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit3-3:查尔斯因在信仰间合作的杰出表
I’m delighted to join you, even if only in this symbolic forum, as you launch the 1st West-Islamic dialogue annual report.2014-08-06 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit3-4:施瓦辛格在清华大学的演讲
And today I want to talk to you a little bit about the dreams, about the dreams ofyour future, and dreams for this country.2014-08-07 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit3-5:关于麦当娜领养非洲儿童的采访
背景:两年前,麦当娜从非洲国家马拉维领养了一个小孩,成为头条新闻。从那之后,她成为代表该国一百多万名儿童的声音。2014-08-08 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit3-6:比尔·盖茨2007年清华大学
获颁清华大学这所世界一流大学的荣誉博士学位,让我深感荣幸。清华是一所有着96年历史的名校,这里诞生了很多杰出的科学家、商业和政治领袖。2014-08-09 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit3-7:胡锦涛主席在耶鲁大学的演讲
Let me begin by thanking you, Mr. Levin, for your kind invitation and theopportunity to come to Yale to meet young friends and teachers of thisworld-renowned university.2014-08-10 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit4-1:香港金融秘书长在旅游论坛上的
Good morning. On behalf of the Government of the Hong Kong Special AdministrativeRegion, I would like to offer my warmest congratulations and welcome to thisforum and for all of our guests fromove..2014-08-11 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit4-2:欧盟委员会在2007年欧洲旅
It is a great pleasure for me to be again at a European Tourism Forum, since ithas become a true reference for tourism stakeholders in Europe.2014-08-12 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit4-3:世界旅游组织代表在世界休闲博
Thank you very much Jerol. Mr. Mayor, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. I am delighted to bring to this opening ceremony in this beautiful city, the greetings and support..2014-08-13 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit4-4: 世界旅游及旅行理事会主席让
世界旅游及旅行理事会(WTTC)是在旅游和旅行领域内最大的非政府国际性组织。我们实行连锁式组织结构,航空与银行体系紧密相连。2014-08-14 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit4-5: 香港旅游事务专员卢维思在国
早上好!祝贺在座的各位参会代表。这次会议对于香港旅游署来说是一次契机。七个月前,我被任命为香港首位旅游事务专员。我们的工作重点就是任命一个旅游战略小组来为旅游发展设立远景目标和战略。从一开始,我们就认识到遗产与旅游直接的联系。2014-08-15 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 缈昏瘧纭曞+MTI鍩虹?鍙h瘧鏁欐潗(閰嶅?Mp3 鏂囨湰)Unit1-2:鑰堕瞾鏍¢暱杩
Mr.President, it is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to you and Ms. Liu onbehalf of our entire community. We are deeply honored that you have chosen tovisit Yale.2014-07-14 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit1-4:戈登布朗在以色列的英国记者招
Can I say what a privilege it is for me to be here with President Peres thismorning, to be here with my wife Sarah, to be here with such an importantdelegation of British business leaders and I am d..2014-07-22 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit1-6:2007年中欧信息通信高科技
尊敬的来宾、女士们、先生们:我非常荣幸的欢迎您参加ChinICT2007,成为我们这个大家庭的一员。2014-07-24 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit1-7:云南副省长顾朝曦在"
Good morning! Today, the "Colorful Yunnan" International Forum on Biodiversity Conservation,co-sponsored by the State Environmental Protection Administration of China and the People..2014-07-25 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit2-1:2011级耶鲁大学新生会的演
Members of the class of 2011, I am truly delighted to join Dean Salovey in welcomingyou to Yale College. And I want to extend a warm welcome also to the parents,relatives, and friends who have accom..2014-07-26 编辑:max
[MTI基础口译教材配套MP3] 翻译硕士MTI《基础口译》教材(Mp3+文本)Unit2-2:伊丽莎白女王二世在2005年
The day after my last Christmas message was broadcast, the world experienced one ofthe worst natural disasters ever recorded. The devastating tsunami struckcountries around the Indian Ocean causing ..2014-07-27 编辑:max