[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第14期:气候变暖
Temperatures in South Georgia have risen sharply, 南乔治亚岛的温度急剧上升 but the Southern Hemisphere's most dramatic warming 但在南半球最显著的气候变暖现象2013-01-05 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第15期:金图企鹅
This is midsummer 现在是盛夏时节 and the average temperature is some 20 degrees below freezing. 平均温度却在零下二十度左右 And I can tell you it feels much lower than that. 而感觉上却远远低于这个温度2013-01-06 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第16期:冰架破裂
In 2008, a much larger ice shelf 2008年 在半岛南端 at the southern end of the Peninsula started to break up. 一块更大的冰架开始破裂 It's an enormous event that's never been filmed before. 人类从来没有记录过这么大的..2013-01-07 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第17期:崩塌的冰崖
And most of the big ones will be ones 大多数大型冰山 that have broken off the ice shelves in this area. 都是由附近的冰架断裂形成的2013-01-08 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第18期:冰山是如何形成的
Every one of these huge icebergs will slowly drift out to sea. 这些大型冰山都将慢慢地漂入大海 To study how fast that happens, 为了研究崩裂发生的速度2013-01-09 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第19期:冰雪流失
It's the latest ice shelf 一道洋流向南漂流 to disintegrate in a wave that's been travelling southwards, 一路上使新近形成的冰架破裂2013-01-10 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第21期:冰层越来越脆弱
And the news is that a little crack, 据说 我在冰上看到的那条 which I'd seen in the ice between our tent and the airstrip, 位于帐篷和飞机跑道之间的小裂缝 which was no more than an inch or so wide, 当时还不到一英寸宽2013-01-11 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第22期:飞机跑道破裂
The biggest concern was 大家最担心的是 that the ice airstrip might break apart, 冰面上的飞机跑道可能也破裂了2013-01-12 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第23期:冰河解冻
Just ten miles up river, the ice is starting to break. 河流上游十英里处 冰层已开始破裂 The locals are concerned, 当地人十分焦急 because huge amounts of water can build up, 因为当冰块堆积在河中 if these ice chunks dam the ri..2013-01-13 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第24期:解冻之日
Boys, you're looking at seven or eight days 等到河流解冻 before she breaks of any significance. 起码需要七到八天2013-01-14 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第25期:崩裂的苗头
If it happens at night, we're going to miss the whole thing. 若是在晚上 什么也拍不到 Sure enough, the town is put on red alert 显然 小镇发布红色预警 that the river is about to break in the middle of the night...2013-01-15 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第26期:摧毁一栋房子
After weeks of waiting, the sleeping giant of a river,[qh] 等待数星期后 沉睡的冰河苏醒了[qh] we thought nothing was going to happen and suddenly,[qh] 我们原以为什么也不会发生[qh]2013-01-16 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》履于薄冰第27期:优秀的守护者
but in the meantime, 但同时 the people of Hay River 草河的居民 have a remarkable guardian. 拥有优秀的守护者2013-01-18 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》极地之限第1期:冰上产蛋
And without a good-looking nest, 如果筑的巢不够美观 a male will be unable to attract a female, 雄企鹅就无法在雌企鹅最终到来时2013-01-19 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》极地之限第2期:冰雪消融
Now, the big, wide world holds all sorts of challenges 如今 对于这些勇敢的小小探险家来说 for these brave, young explorers. 广阔的世界充满各种挑战 The mother leads her new family out over the frozen sea 熊妈妈带领新家庭来到冰冻的海面上..2013-01-20 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》极地之限第3期:独角鲸
To get to them, the narwhals must travel down leads,独角鲸必须沿着冰上通道temporary cracks in the ice.即冰上暂时性的裂缝前行。2013-01-21 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》极地之限第5期:血液结冰
It ceases to breathe and its body starts to freeze. 也停止了呼吸 身体开始结冰 First, its gut. Then, its blood. 先是内脏 接着是血液2013-01-23 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》极地之限第4期:北极白狼
The parents travel up to 80 miles in a day 狼爸狼妈日行八十英里 in search of more substantial prey for their growing family. 为它们不断壮大的家庭搜寻更多猎物2013-01-22 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》极地之限第6期:肥头大耳的生物
the King Penguins face a new challenge. 帝企鹅仍面临着新的挑战 Their peaceful waterfront 原本属于它们的平静海滨 has turned into an obstacle course of blubber. 变成了一群肥头大耳生物的地盘2013-01-24 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》极地之限第7期:小须鲸
But new arrivals are following the retreating ice edge. 但随着冰雪融去 有新客到访 And they have come here to hunt. 它们来此捕食2013-01-25 编辑:finn