[别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第61期:一时失误铸就了永久的错误
原文欣赏Everybody hold.全体待命Is she okay?她还好吗 I can't tell.说不好I'm not taking any chances.我不会冒任何险 I'll get a negotiator out here.我要找个谈判专家过来No, let us2012-06-19 编辑:lily
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(126)约会前男友
原文视听提示:如视频加载失败,请刷新本页重新加载~Someone once said that when one door shuts, a window opens.曾经有人说过当一扇门关上时,必定有另一扇窗会打开Big and I had shut our door... but our wind2012-06-19 编辑:Jasmine
[别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第62期:掩藏悲伤的时候你会说谎吗
原文欣赏I haven't talked to Foster yet.我还没和福斯特说Well, I did.很好 我说了She called the publisher.她给出版商打了电话They're probably pulling farida's他们可能会将法里达的2012-06-20 编辑:lily
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(127)无法界定关系
原文视听 提示:如视频加载失败,请刷新本页重新加载~So you and Big are really friends or something?这么说你和大人物确实是朋友之类的?Yeah. Friends or something.朋友…之类的Easy, prosecutor. Shouldn&2012-06-20 编辑:Jasmine
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(128)诡异气氛
原文视听提示:如视频加载失败,请刷新本页重新加载~Nice to meet you. Bye.很高兴认识你What are you doing?你干嘛?What do you mean?什么意思?You know what I mean. Now he's gonna think we'2012-06-21 编辑:Jasmine
[别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第63期:克制情绪与回忆,与过去说再见
原文欣赏I just needed a minute before I went home.在回家前我需要休息一下Sure.当然Sophie's 13 months.索菲13个月了You know, she's probably walking now.你知道 她可能正在学走路Yeah, emil2012-06-21 编辑:lily
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(129)曾经激励了前男友
原文视听提示:如视频加载失败,请刷新本页重新加载~New York City can be a terrifying place.纽约有时会是个可怕的地方Hi. Just coffee and a muffin, please.只要一杯咖啡和松饼That'll be $7.50.一共是2012-06-25 编辑:Jasmine
[给力美剧口语] 给力美剧口语社交篇(1):打电话找人
身临其境练一练: 本对话选自《Ugly Betty》(丑女贝蒂)。在电话中,Betty希望通过曾经和Bianchi是邻居并上一所高中的关系邀请Bianchi为Mode杂志拍照,但是Bianchi和Betty的老板Daniel的哥哥Alex有过矛盾,拒绝2012-06-25 编辑:lily
[给力美剧口语] 给力美剧口语社交篇(2):委婉提出建议
身临其境练一练:本对话选自《Kyle XY》(神奇凯尔)。Nicole与Lori母女俩的一堆对话,谈到了Lori的生日,Kyle的奇怪经理,还有Lori和Declan的关系,Nicole给Lori提了 一些沟通交流的建议。万用句型背一背:1.I beg2012-06-26 编辑:lily
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(130)无处不在的婆婆
原文视听提示:如视频加载失败,请刷新本页重新加载~and Charlotte was facing her future. Now that Trey had no problem getting hard in the bedroom... she saw no reason why their bed should be.而夏绿蒂正在2012-06-26 编辑:Jasmine
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(131)前任的鬼魂
原文视听提示:如视频加载失败,请刷新本页重新加载~I think I might have a ghost.我想我家闹鬼I think I might have to hear that again.我想我得再听一次There were weird noises last night, right above me. T2012-06-27 编辑:Jasmine
[别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第65期:不是所有事情都可以有耐心
原文欣赏I disrespected the most...holy laws.我亵渎了最神圣的法律I do not deny this.我对自己的罪行供认不讳I'm so sorry for my actions.我为我的罪行道歉I'm deeply... deeply sorry.我万分的2012-06-27 编辑:lily
[别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第66期:人道主义到底是什么样子?
原文欣赏You might have tried a little diplomacy你有没有尝试些外交手段with Mom and Dad there.去安抚他们的父母Please, I don't have time to hold hands.拜托 我可没有时间去哄他们The situation&2012-06-28 编辑:lily
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(132)我们的前任男友
原文视听提示:如视频加载失败,请刷新本页重新加载~Didn't even leave a card. Now he won't know what the plant's supposed to mean.我没留卡片。他不会知道那盆栽的意义It's l2012-06-28 编辑:Jasmine
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(133)约会前男友
原文视听提示:如视频加载失败,请刷新本页重新加载~This guy from pest control comes over and sticks a few dead ones on a tape strip....害虫管制人员把一些死虫子粘在带子上I, on the other hand, was full o2012-06-29 编辑:Jasmine
[别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第67期:真正的朋友往往口无遮拦
原文欣赏You must be the new wunderkind he's told me so much about.你一定是他常提的那个新来的神童How many times has he lied to you?他对你说过几次谎?Excuse me?您说什么? Well, he said you2012-06-29 编辑:lily
[别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第68期:寻找真相的途径并不只有一条
原文欣赏 That's Erica Vandeman.那是艾瑞卡·万德曼CEOShe's the CEO of Ribocore Pharmaceutical.她是Ribocore制药公司的Is that one of the companies that throws money at you?是扔钱给你的公2012-07-02 编辑:lily
[欲望都市] 美剧精讲:《欲望都市》(134)找回前男友
原文视听提示:如视频加载失败,请刷新本页重新加载~When men attempt bold gestures, it's generally considered romantic.当男人做出大胆的举动,通常会被认为是浪漫When women do it, it's ofte2012-07-02 编辑:Jasmine
[别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第69期:罪人更能主动证明自己的清白
原文欣赏Okay, the Ribocore theft took place at 2:27 a.m.Ribocore盗窃案发生在早上2点27分in testing lab 290.在290号实验室Now, one of you...你们其中一个disabled the scanner so it couldn't identi2012-07-03 编辑:lily
[别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第70期:搞清大佬才能谈判成功
原文欣赏As Deputy Ambassador Hassan was saying,正如副大使哈桑所说we have several demands.我们有几个要求Well, you don't know what the hell you're doing.你知道自己该干什么吗We have two2012-07-04 编辑:lily