[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):澳大利亚大堡礁正在消亡 引发更多游客参观
The Great Barrier Reef is dying. And tourists from all over the world are rushing to see it while there's still time.大堡礁正在死亡。趁来得及,世界各地的游客都急忙跑来观看。2016-09-15 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):美国CPSC宣布召回约100万部三星Galaxy
If you're watching this video on a Samsung Galaxy Note 7, you should probably turn off the phone and stick it in your fireplace.如果你正在用三星Galaxy Note7看这个视频,你或许应该关了手机,把它插入你家的壁炉。2016-09-16 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):美承认联军误袭叙利亚政府士兵
The U.S. military says a coalition airstrike that hit Syria early Saturday was meant for ISIS fighters,but it might have hit Syrian regime soldiers instead.美国军方表示,周六早些时候联军空袭叙利亚旨在打击ISIS武装分子,但击中的可能是叙利..2016-09-18 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):奥巴马呼吁敞开心扉帮助难民
We have to open our hearts and do more to help refugees who are desperate for a home.我们必须敞开心扉,做更多的事来帮助那些渴望有一个家的难民。2016-09-21 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):吸烟或永久损害基因
Many of the negative effects associated with smoking cigarettes can disappear over time after a person quits.许多与吸烟有关的负面影响戒烟后随着时间会消失。2016-09-22 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):掉到地上的食物5秒内捡起来还可以吃吗?
To finally debunk the 5-second rule once and for all, researchers contaminated four surfaces with bacteria.为了彻底揭穿这5秒规则,研究人员用细菌污染四个表面。2016-09-23 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):更多的移民收拾行李准备回家
An estimated 100,000 migrants are expected to head back to their home countries by the end of 2016.预计到2016年底,约十万移民将回到他们的祖国。2016-09-25 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):美明尼苏达一商场持刀袭击案致9人伤 ISIS宣称
ISIS has claimed responsibility for a stabbing attack that injured nine people at a Minnesota mall Saturday night.周六晚上明尼苏达一商场发生持刀袭击案,造成九人受伤,ISIS已声称对袭击事件负责。2016-09-19 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):许多美国诺贝尔奖获得者并非本土出生
Six American scientists were awarded Nobel Prizes this year. None of them were born in this country.今年有六位美国科学家获得诺贝尔奖。他们中没有一个是在美国出生的。2016-10-01 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):三星Galaxy Note7因爆炸隐患停止生产
Samsung is halting the production of its Galaxy Note 7 because the phones keep exploding. 三星正在停止生产Galaxy Note 7,因其持续出现爆炸。2016-10-02 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):飓风马修强劲来袭重创海地 约900人遇难
Hurricane Matthew is no longer a hurricane, but it's still threatening people on the East Coast.飓风马修不再是一个飓风,但它仍然威胁着东海岸的人们。2016-10-03 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):考古发现秦始皇兵马俑可能受古希腊人启发
It turns out China's famous terra-cotta army might have been influenced by the ancient Greeks.中国著名的兵马俑可能受古希腊人的影响。2016-10-04 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):3D打印房屋帮助贫困人群解决居住问题
Imagine being able to build a home for around 50 dollars. A 3-D printer is making that possible.想象一下,建造一栋房屋只需约50美元。一台3D打印机使其变得可能。2016-10-05 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):美国野心 30年内交通事故零死亡
But here in the U.S., the traffic death rate is almost four times more than Sweden's, and it's only getting higher.但在美国,交通死亡率几乎是瑞典的四倍,而且只是越来越高。2016-10-06 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):泰国国王去世 为当今世界在位时间最长的国王
According to the Royal Palace, the king passed away "in a peaceful manner" in Bangkok on Thursday. He was 88.据皇家宫殿报道,周四国王在曼谷平和的去世。享年88岁。2016-10-08 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):连体双胞胎经16小时手术成功分离
But she says the twins, one of whom was still in surgery early that morning, are "definitely not out of the woods by any means."但她说,当天早上,双胞胎其中之一仍然在手术,完全没有脱离危险。2016-10-07 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):博科圣地首次释放21名两年前被绑架的尼日利亚少女
This latest release is the result of negotiations between militants and Nigeria's government. 最近的释放是武装分子和尼日利亚政府之间谈判的结果。2016-10-09 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):奥巴马称美国计划2030年送人类上火星
President Barack Obama has just a couple months left in his presidency, but he's still setting some long-term goals.奥巴马总统的任期还有几个月,但他仍在制定一些长期目标。2016-10-10 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):伊朗希望外国投资者帮助其恢复石油市场
Sanctions restricting Iran's oil production were lifted earlier this year. And the oil-rich nation has wasted no time increasing its output once again.今年早些时候,限制伊朗石油生产的制裁被解除。石油资源丰富的伊朗没有再浪费时间增加出口。2016-10-11 编辑:kahn
[新闻懒人包] Newsy新闻懒人包(视频+字幕+讲解):全球最长寿圈养大熊猫佳佳离世
Jia Jia was born in the wild but rescued as a young cub and taken to a giant panda breeding center in China.佳佳在野外出生,幼崽时被救助,带到中国大熊猫繁育中心。2016-10-12 编辑:kahn