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Severity: Warning

Message: Memcache::connect(): Can't connect to, Connection refused (111)

Filename: libraries/Cache_file.php

Line Number: 28

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  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第2期

    It was eleven o'clock before all the family were in bed,and two o'clock next morning was the latest time to set off with the beehives.过了11点钟,这一家人才全都上了床。要带着这些蜂箱上路

    2021-06-02 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第4期:处女(4)

    When Tess arrived home the following afternoon a letter had already been received by her mother.[qh]第二天下午,没等苔丝回到家,她母亲就先收到了一封信。[qh]It appeared to come from Mrs d’Urber

    2021-06-04 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第6期:不再是处女(1)

    Maiden No More 6不再是处女 6It was a Sunday morning in late October about four months after Tess's arrival at Trantridge ,and a few weeks after the night ride in The Chase.这是10月末

    2021-06-06 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第5期:处女(5)

    The chickens for which Tess was responsible lived in an old cottage on Mrs d’Urberville's land.苔丝要养的鸡关在德伯夫人庄园的一间旧茅舍里。On her first day Tess had to take some

    2021-06-05 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第7期:不再是处女(2)

    One day in August the sun was rising through the mist.[qh]8月的一天,太阳正从薄雾中缓缓升起。[qh]In a yellow cornfield near Marlott village it shone on two large arms of painted wood.[qh]在马勒特村

    2021-06-07 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 苔丝1:处女

    1The Maiden 1 处 女 One evening at the end of May a middle-aged man was walking home from Shaston to the village of Marlott in the Vale of Blackmoor.5月末的一天傍晚,有个中年汉子正从夏斯

    2021-06-01 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第3期:处女(3)

    Life now became rather difficult for the Durbeyfields.德北一家的生活陷入了困境。Without Prince to carry loads,John Durbeyfield could not buy and sell as he used to.没有王子运货

    2021-06-03 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第8期:新生活(1)

    A New Life 8新生活 8And so it was that on a beautiful morning in May,two to three years after her return from Trantridge,因此,从纯瑞脊回来两三年后,苔丝·德北在5月的一个美丽的清晨

    2021-06-08 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第9期:新生活(2)

    Neither Angel Clare nor his family had originally chosen farming as a profession for him.无论安吉尔还是他的家人,最初都没有选择务农作为他的职业。When he was a boy, people admired his great

    2021-06-09 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第10期:新生活(3)

    Dairyman Crick insisted that all the dairy people should milk different cows every day, not just their favourites.奶场主克里克坚持让所有奶场的工人每天挤不同的奶牛,而不是只挤他们最喜欢的那几头。

    2021-06-10 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第11期:新生活(4)

    It was July and very hot.到了7月,天气非常炎热。The atmosphere of the flat valley hung like a drug over the dairy people, the cows and the trees.悬浮在平坦的山谷中的大气就像麻醉剂一般

    2021-06-11 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第12期:新生活(5)

    The Result结果The nights were as hot as the days.夜晚与白天一样炎热。Angel Clare could not sleep.安吉尔·克莱尔无法入睡,He went out into the darkness to think over what had

    2021-06-12 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第13期:吃亏的是女人(1)

    The Woman Pays 14吃亏的是女人 14Her story came to an end.她的故事叙述完了。She had not raised her voice: she had not cried.But things seemed to change as the story progressed.

    2021-06-13 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第14期:吃亏的是女人(2)

    When Clare woke up the next morning,the sky was grey and the sun was not shining.第二天早晨克莱尔睡醒时,天空灰蒙蒙的,没有阳光照耀。The fireplace in the room was full of cold ashes.

    2021-06-14 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第16期:一个悔过自新的人(1)

    A Changed Man 17一个悔过自新的人 17This was the first time she had seen or heard of d’Urberville since she had left Trantridge.自从离开纯瑞脊之后,这是她第一次见到或听说德伯。

    2021-06-16 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第17期:结局(1)

    The End 结局 It was evening in the parson's house at Emminster.Mr and Mrs Clare were waiting anxiously for Angel's return.一天晚上,在爱敏斯特的牧师家,克莱尔先生和夫人正焦急地等

    2021-06-18 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第15期:

    As the carriage drove on through Blackmoor Vale,Tess now began to awake from her sorrow and wonder how she could face her parents.当马车穿越黑荒野山谷继续行驶时,苔丝渐渐从悲痛中醒转过来

    2021-06-15 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第18期:结局(2)

    Meavwhile Angel Clare returned to his hotel,and sat for a while over breakfast,staring into space.同时,安吉尔·克莱尔回到了他的旅馆,整顿早餐他就坐在那儿,死死地盯着前方。A note arrived

    2021-06-19 编辑:mike

  • [苔丝] 有声读物《苔丝》第17期:一个悔过自新的人(2)

    This desperate cry for help eventually arrived at the parson's house in Emminster.Old Mr Clare was pleased.这封绝望的求助信最终到了爱敏斯特牧师的家中,老克莱尔先生很高兴。I think

    2021-06-17 编辑:mike

  • [] 品书轩《苔丝》Chapter 1:处女(1)

    1970-01-01 编辑: