[桔子口语] 一个巴掌拍不响”用英文怎么说?
It takes two to tango. 一个巴掌拍不响。2021-07-22 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] A poor hand是什么意思?一个穷手?
Life is not always a matter of holding good cards, but sometimes, playing a poor hand well. 人生不只是握有一副好牌,有时候,也在于把一副坏牌打好。2021-07-23 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “说人话”用英语咋说?Talk like a human?
I'll explain that in layman's terms. 我会用通俗易懂的语言来解释。2021-07-15 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 爱情中的“备胎”英文怎么说?
He is just a pale runner-up. 他只是个凄惨的备胎。2021-07-18 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 老外说in your shoes是什么意思?
If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't do that. 如果我站在你的立场上,我不会这么做。2021-07-24 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] Turn the tables是啥意思?
She finally turned the tables. 她最终成功逆袭。2021-07-25 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 形容一个东西难得为什么要说它like gold dust?
The tickets are like gold dust. 这些票很难弄到。2021-07-26 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 嫌别人太吵了?!学会这句话,分分钟让人闭嘴!
Stop making such a din! 别吵了!2021-07-30 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “站边”用英语咋说?
由于她多年来在银幕上树立的良好形象,公众倾向于站在她这一边。2021-08-02 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] eyesore可真不是“眼睛酸痛”的意思
That building is really an eyesore. 那栋建筑太碍眼了。2021-08-03 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 老外常说的wild goose chase是啥意思?
It turned out to be a wild goose chase. 结果是白费力气。2021-08-04 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “工作狂”用英语咋说?Work madman?
It's a bit over the top. 这有点夸张了。2021-07-29 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 婚姻究竟是什么呢?
完美的婚姻不过是两个不完美的人不愿放弃对方。2021-08-05 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 外国人这么说wipe the floor居然不是“擦地板”?
He wiped the floor with them! 意思是他轻易把他们都打败了。2021-08-07 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] she's hard act to follow是什么意思?
She's a hard act to follow. 意思是,她的能力令人望尘莫及。2021-08-08 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 关于生命,这句英文名言你一定要知道!
All life deserves respect. 所有的生命都值得被尊重。2021-08-10 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 想拥有6块腹肌?不能不知道这个词!
He has a six-pack 意思是他有六块腹肌。2021-08-09 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] Take wings别翻译成“拿走翅膀”!
名声如同过眼云烟, 财富转瞬即逝。唯一能持久的,是一个人的品格。2021-08-11 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] Model husband可别翻成了“模特丈夫”!
He is, no doubt, a model husband. 毫无疑问, 他是一个模范丈夫。2021-08-12 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “重振旗鼓”用英语怎么说?
Fortunately, she is strong enough to bounce back. 幸运的是,她足够强大,又重新振作了起来。2021-08-14 编辑:clover