[桔子口语] Guess! "口误"的英文怎么说?
He is a two-faced person.这个人非常虚假,表里不一。2021-08-29 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 学一句俗语--好心办坏事
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. 好心办坏事儿。2021-08-30 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] Green fingers才不是“绿手指”!
My mom's got her green fingers. 我妈妈有超高的园艺技能。2021-08-31 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] Foot the bill是啥意思?用脚买单?
The company is footing the bill.公司会出钱买单的。2021-09-01 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 太过分了!怎么用英语表达“不能忍”?
This time, we will not put up with him anymore.这一次我们不会再容忍他了。2021-09-03 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “全职爸爸”用英语咋说?
He loves his stay-at-home dad life.他喜欢全职爸爸的生活。2021-09-04 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “闪电式恋爱”原来翻译出来没有lightning?
It is quite a whirlwind romance. 这段恋爱发生的很快。2021-09-02 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] Jam表示“果酱”,那in a jam是在果酱里咯?
They were in a real jam.他们确实遇上麻烦了。2021-09-05 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] Crystal clear 是什么意思,你知道吗?
Your path will become crystal clear when you begin to trust your vision 当你开始相信你的内心想法时,你的道路将变得非常明朗。2021-09-06 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “让人恼火”用英语怎么说?不要只会说angry了!
It really gets to me when he says those stupid things.他讲这些蠢事的时候真的很使我恼火。2021-05-26 编辑:Daisy
[桔子口语] “敬业”用英语怎么说?
He's dedicated to his job. 非常敬业。2021-09-07 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 怎么翻译“三观一致”?不用same
Relationships that're built on shared values are much more likely to endure. 三观一致的感情更有可能持久。2021-09-08 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 这个万金油表达,现在学还来得及
This should set alarm bells ringing. 这应该给人们敲响了警钟。2021-09-09 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] Jump the gun是什么鬼?
Don't jump the gun 不要草率行事。2021-09-10 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] Reddit是个神马网站?
国外Reddit论坛之网友自爆奇葩经历2021-09-11 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 不用hate,还能怎么表达“厌倦”?
They decided to go their separate ways because he's weary of marriage. 他们决定分道扬镳,因为他对婚姻感到了厌倦。2021-09-12 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “疯狂”除了crazy还可以怎么说?
They're out of their minds. 他们的想法太疯狂了。2021-09-13 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “监狱”居然还可以这么讲!一不小心误会就闹大了!
He's finally been sent to the big house. 他终于入了狱。2021-09-14 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 老外说fly high还真不一定表示“飞得高”
The company is flying high.这家公司很成功。2021-09-15 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 怎么翻译“被判刑”?
He was sentenced to death.他被判处极刑。2021-09-16 编辑:clover