[桔子口语] An open book居然不是“一本打开的书”!
She's an open book. 她毫不遮掩自己。2021-08-01 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 网络流行语“打脸”用英语怎么说?
It's such a slap in the face. 这真是打脸。2021-07-31 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 老外在聊天中常发的 OTT 是什么意思?
It's a bit over the top. 这有点夸张了。2021-07-28 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “翻白眼”用英文怎么说?
The show makes my eyes roll. 这个节目让我直翻白眼。2021-07-27 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 世界冠军入籍中国,"入籍"的英语应该怎么表达?
He acquired Chinese nationality. 他获得了中国国籍。2021-08-15 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 怎么用英语翻译“笑柄”?Laughing handle?
She was once a laughing stock. 她曾经是大家的笑柄。2021-08-06 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] Have an affair才不是“有点事儿”的意思!
He's having an affair with another woman.他和另一个女人有暧昧关系。2021-08-16 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 怎么用英语夸别人是个美人?
She is a vision of beauty.她是个美人。2021-08-17 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “神魂颠倒”用英语怎么说?
The two of them fell head over heels in love.他们爱的神魂颠倒。2021-08-18 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] “最怕空气突然安静”英语怎么说?
Her words made us cringe. 她的话让我们很尴尬。2021-08-19 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] Get out of hand 不是“脱手”的意思
Things got out of hand. 事情失控了。2021-08-20 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 怎么翻译“有天赋,有才华”?
She's a talented artist in her own right. 她本身就是个非常有才华的艺术家。2021-08-13 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 不用sad也不用disappointed该怎么形容失望?
She is letting people down.她让人们失望了。2021-08-21 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 怎么用英语形容一个人冷漠?
There is no compassion in his heart.他没有丝毫怜悯之心。2021-08-22 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 学一句俗语:行动胜于雄辩
Actions speak louder than words.行动胜于雄辩。2021-08-24 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] "冷暴力"的英文难道是cold violence?
She experienced emotional abuse.她遭到了冷暴力。2021-08-23 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 渣男不值得!今天教你用英语骂“渣男”本渣!
He is a real a piece of trash. 他可真是个渣男。2021-08-25 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 感谢不单只有thank you!
Words can not express how grateful I am. 语言都无法表达我有多感激了。2021-08-27 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] 话题“跑偏了”用英语咋说?
That's beside the point.这不重要。2021-08-26 编辑:clover
[桔子口语] Two-Faced难道是“两张脸”的意思?
He is a two-faced person.这个人非常虚假,表里不一。2021-08-28 编辑:clover