[World News] World News(MP3+中英字幕):泰德·科鲁兹退出共和党总统提名竞选
In the US, Ted Cruz has announced he is ending his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination泰德·科鲁兹在美国印第安纳州初选中惨遭决定性失败之后宣布结束共和党总统提名竞选活动。2016-05-05 编辑:Helen
[World News] World News(MP3+中英字幕):难民遣返土耳其于周一开始执行
An EU deal to return rejected asylum seekers from Greece to Turkey is due to begin implementation today.根据欧盟协议,将前往希腊寻求庇护被拒的难民遣返土耳其的工作将于今日开始执行。2016-04-08 编辑:Helen
[World News] World News(MP3+中英字幕):澳洲央行将利率降至1.75%
Australia's central bank has cut its cash rate a quarter point to an all-time low of 1.75 percent.澳大利亚央行决定将利息降低25个基点至历史新低1.75%。2016-05-04 编辑:Helen
[World News] World News(MP3+中英字幕):抗议者开始撤离巴格达“绿区”
Protesters in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad have now left the heavily-fortified Green Zone, having being camped there for more than 24 hours.2016-05-03 编辑:Helen
[World News] World News(MP3+中英字幕):联合国秘书长敦促欧盟领导人支持难民
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has criticised 'increasingly restrictive' policies on migrants in Europe联合国秘书长潘基文谴责了欧洲日益收紧的难民政策2016-04-29 编辑:Helen
[World News] World News(MP3+中英字幕):主办奥运里约酒店价格或涨至3倍
Now there are only 100 days remaining in the countdown to the Rio Olympics in Brazil 巴西里约奥运会倒计时只有100天了2016-04-28 编辑:Helen
[World News] World News(MP3+中英字幕):美与欧盟四大成员国在德召开会议
The leaders of the European Union’s biggest nations and the U.S. have gathered for talks in Germany. 欧盟几大成员国与美国在德国展开会谈。2016-04-27 编辑:Helen
[World News] World News(MP3+中英字幕):移民发现入欧新途径
After being stranded at a closed border in northern Greece for weeks, migrants and refugees are seeking out new, irregular routes to enter Macedonia.2016-04-26 编辑:Helen
[World News] World News(MP3+中英字幕):德国欲为难民建"安全特区"
European Council President Donald Tusk has heaped praise on the migrant deal reached by the EU and Turkey.欧洲理事会主席唐纳德·图斯克高度赞扬了欧盟与土耳其签订的移民协议。2016-04-25 编辑:Helen
[World News] World News(MP3+中英字幕):阿富汗首都遭袭
An explosion has rocked the Afghan capital, Kabul, during the morning rush hour.阿富汗首都喀布尔在早高峰时期遭炸弹袭击。2016-04-22 编辑:Helen
[World News] World News(MP3+中英字幕):厄瓜多尔遭7.8级强震
A powerful magnitude-7.8 earthquake has struck off the coast of Ecuador.厄瓜多尔沿海地区发生7.8级强地震。2016-04-20 编辑:Helen
[World News] World News(MP3+中英字幕):总统弹劾表决巴西众议院进行中
Voting is underway in Brazil’s lower house of Congress, to decide whether President Dilma Rousseff should face an impeachment trial.决定接受巴西总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫是否接受弹劾审讯的表决正在众议院进行。2016-04-18 编辑:Helen
[World News] World News(MP3+中英字幕):大马士革接收欧盟首批救援物资
A warplane from the Czech Republic carrying medical aid and equipment arrived in Damascus on Sunday.捷克共和国一架运送医疗救助物资和设备的军用飞机周日抵达大马士革。2016-06-06 编辑:Helen
[World News] World News(MP3+中英字幕):巴勒斯坦纪念“挫败日”
Palestinians in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip are marking the 49th anniversary of the Israeli invasion and military occupation of the territories that began in 1967.2016-06-07 编辑:Helen
[World News] World News(MP3+中英字幕):克林顿赢民主党提名
According to a count by the Associated Press, Hillary Clinton has reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination.2016-06-08 编辑:Helen
[World News] World News(翻译+字幕+讲解):奥兰多枪击案后血液站点外大批人排队等候献血
这样的壮观排队人潮造成该地区轻度交通拥挤,而一些捐助者甚至要求预约另一个时间再来捐献。2016-06-14 编辑:mike
[World News] World News(翻译+字幕+讲解):叙利亚空袭造成20多人死亡
叙利亚北部美国支持的部队也加强了对曼布吉的围攻,这是极端恐怖组织“ISIL”在阿勒颇省的一处最大据点,成千上万平民被困在这里。2016-06-15 编辑:mike
[World News] World News(翻译+字幕+讲解):涉嫌挪用政治资金 东京都知事舛添要一引咎辞职
因涉嫌政治资金挪用问题,日本东京都知事舛添要一已经引咎辞职。在这场丑闻中他被指控滥用纳税人钱财用于家庭旅行及购买艺术品等。2016-06-16 编辑:mike
[World News] World News(翻译+字幕+讲解):巴基斯坦去年恐袭数量下降
2014年6月,巴军方发起代号为“利剑”的军事行动,目的是瓦解北瓦济里斯坦地区武装分子。同年12月,政府称将对恐袭案件设立专门的军事法庭。2016-06-21 编辑:wendy
[World News] World News(翻译+字幕+讲解):白宫因枪击一度紧急封锁
当地时间周一下午,国会山和白宫一度封锁。不久前,国会山游客中心发生枪击,一警署受伤。警方称涉案枪手遭枪击,现已被逮捕。据官方表示,事故发生在地下游客活动中心,距离国会山很近,在进入国会山之前,游客要在这里进行安检。2016-06-22 编辑:wendy