[自然百科] 自然百科:冰冻星球 前往地球尽头(2)
I am standing at the north pole, the very top of the earth. Up here, is easing sea while the polar regions are so cold. The sun never rises higher enough in the sky to warm my back. And those rays2011-12-29 编辑:mike
[自然百科] 自然百科:冰冻星球 前往地球尽头(3)
A male polar bear is searching for a mate. Willing females are few and far between. And the sea ice some of which he travels will soon melt and vanished. He's running out of time to find the mate2012-01-05 编辑:mike
[自然百科] 自然百科:冰冻星球 前往地球尽头(10)
As the warm humid air from the south meet the cold Arctic, the moisture is crystalized and snowflakes form from the sky. Each crystal froms around a particle of dust. All have a six-fold symmetry2012-01-31 编辑:mike
[自然百科] 自然百科:冰冻星球 前往地球尽头(12)
And fishing can be dangerous. A southern sea lion. It uses the speed of a breaking wave to catch up the gentoos. Sea lions normally eat fish. So he is used to catching stream-line swimmers. But the2012-02-02 编辑:mike
[自然百科] 自然百科:冰冻星球 前往地球尽头(13)
Every summer, over 40 million penguins take to the southern ocean to feed. They are joined by thousands of whales. Minkes are the most numerous. They all come here to harvest the richest ocean on2012-02-03 编辑:mike
[自然百科] 自然百科:冰冻星球 前往地球尽头(11)
The tiger forest marks the end of our journey through the Arctic, from the frozen ocean down across the lands that surround it. The other end of our planet, the Antarctic is starkly different, a fro..2012-02-01 编辑:mike
[听力专题] 新增《BBC纪录片冰冻星球》栏目
2012-10-17 编辑:lily
[] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》世界的尽头第8期:生命之泉
1970-01-01 编辑:
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》世界的尽头第11期:海蜘蛛
原文视听A relative of the woodlouse is the size of a dinner plate.潮虫的亲戚可以有餐盘那么大And this so-called2012-10-26 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》世界的尽头第12期:征服南极
原文视听It's now thought that the ice caves fringing this crater现在人们觉得 火山口边缘的冰洞may even be a home for hitherto-unknown life forms.可能是一些未知生命的家园From this oasis of war2012-10-27 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》世界的尽头第13期:拍摄火山熔岩
原文视听The greatest challenge for the team making Frozen Planet摄制组碰到的最大挑战was the extreme remoteness of their locations.是拍摄地点之间相距极远Many of the shoots lasted months at a time许多镜2012-10-28 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》世界的尽头第15期:火山喜怒无常
原文视听The cameraman captures a rare shot of the molten lava,摄像机捕捉到了罕见的熔浆镜头but it's soon obscured again.但是画面马上又模糊了The volcano is temperamental.火山喜怒无常The team ha2012-10-30 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》世界的尽头第14期:熔岩湖
原文视听As the cave team head deeper,越深入洞穴dangerous volcanic gases make breathing difficult.危险的火山蒸汽让人的呼吸变得困难The clock&nb2012-10-29 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》世界的尽头第16期:揭开世界神秘的面纱
原文视听As the cave team explore deeper,随着洞穴探险队往更深处走去each chamber reveals ice crystals他们都能发现比前一个冰室more strange and2012-10-31 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》世界的尽头第17期:考察虎鲸
原文视听Patrolling the icy shores of the volcano are killer whales,在火山脚海滨处游动的是虎鲸the most southerly in the world.它们活跃在地球的最南端Tracking them from above is the orca team.在上面追踪2012-11-01 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》春季第1期:企鹅走上不法之路
原文视听Adelie penguins are arriving-- just the males.阿德利企鹅来了 当然只有雄性They've spent five months at sea,他们在海上生活了2012-11-02 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》春季第4期:最贪婪的捕食者来了
原文视听And now the most voracious of the plankton-eaters现在 最为贪吃的浮游生物捕食者swim up from the depths...从深海游了上来...A2012-11-05 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》春季第2期:三只小熊
原文视听Here, early birds take a great risk.在这里 先驱们要冒极大的危险Some years, entire colonies are lost,有时候 &nb2012-11-03 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》春季第3期:猎食海豹
原文视听The male polar bear has been out on the frozen ocean all winter.公北极熊整个冬天都待在冰封的海面上Times have been lean,这个季节食物非常匮乏and2012-11-04 编辑:finn
[《冰冻星球》纪录片] BBC纪录片《冰冻星球》春季第5期:心跳停止
原文视听The woolly bear caterpillar does not need the warmth from flowers灯蛾毛虫却不需要花朵的温暖to kick-start its spring.就能迅速迎来它们的春天It's alw2012-11-06 编辑:finn