[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第76期:黑暗中的双眼
And they have the blemish both front and rear from a facet where the opposite tooth interlocked with it.在牙齿前后的齿面都有缺陷就是与对面牙齿相交错的地方。2016-08-10 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第77期:动物直觉世代不会改变
Unlike Megalodon, it was unable to re-grow lost teeth.它不像巨齿鲨,它无法长出掉落了的牙齿。2016-08-12 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第78期:白鲨交配时吃掉自己的后代
Sperm whales form close family units for protection and to nurture their offspring.抹香鲸形成亲密的家庭单元来保护自己并且养育它们的后代。2016-08-17 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第79期:鲸像一辆油罐车
The biting sperm whale was powered by the up and down motion of its powerful tail fluke allowing it to reach speeds of over 25 miles per hour.噬抹香鲸用其有力的尾鳍上下摆动来获得动力,其速度能达到每小时25英里。2016-08-19 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第80期:突然感觉到水下的骚动
There's a huge difference in the fact that the whales would have sonar and could use that to detect food.鲸类能够用声纳来探测食物的事实带来了巨大区别。2016-08-22 编辑:clover
[2016年下半年VOA常速英语] VOA常速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解): 哺乳动物 脑部越大 嗅觉越灵?
这个研究得出了一个有关生物进化的新观点,就是:可能灵敏的嗅觉,甚至要比听觉更重要。2016-07-13 编辑:Emma
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第81期:如何让敌人一招致命
His favorite hunting tactic is to come from below and behind his potential prey.它最喜欢的狩猎策略就是从它潜在猎物的下方或者后面下手。2016-08-26 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第82期:鲸用声呐信号求救
The Brygmophyseter uses its flipper to steer, it is literally rudderless without it.四贺鲸用它的鳍肢来控制方向,没有它真的就没有方向了。2016-08-29 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第83期:抹香鲸"复仇"巨齿鲨
The sperm whale hits him dead in the centre of his body throwing the Megalodon's enormous weight in a tumble motion under the ocean.抹香鲸结结实实地撞中它的身体中间,把巨齿鲨庞大的身躯撞得在海洋中翻滚。2016-09-01 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第84期:最致命的武器是什么
The sperm whales now deploy their most deadly weapon, T-Rex sized teeth.抹香鲸们现在开始动用其最致命的武器,霸王龙级别的牙齿。2016-09-09 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第84期:巨齿鲨可能藏在某个黑暗深渊
Scientists believe the problem was magnified by a fierce new predator who appeared on the scene, competing for what scarce food did remain.科学家们相信让问题加剧的是新出现的一种厉害的掠食者,争夺所剩无几的食物。2016-09-12 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第85期:高居食物链的顶端无可匹敌
Ceratosaurus, for 20 million years, he'd been one of the unchallenged predators at the top of the food chain.角鼻龙,长达两千万年间,他高居食物链的顶端,无可匹敌。2016-09-14 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第87期:是牙印还是爪子印?
Everything that happens to an animal after it dies destroys information and that's the reason why in the end so little is left.动物死后发生的每件事都会销毁信息,这就是最后剩不下什么的原因。2016-09-18 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第88期:骨头上的深深划痕是谁所为
One of the things that tells us that it's actually a more primitive dinosaur.这一点说明它是一种较为原始的恐龙。2016-09-19 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第89期:史前怪物曾统治过地球
Certainly it could scavenge off the bodies if they were really dead.当然它们死后角鼻龙也许会吃掉尸体。2016-09-21 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第90期:巨型肉食者的身份
We now believe that Ceratosaurus may have been an ambush predator.我们现在相信角鼻龙可能是一种伏击掠食者。2016-09-26 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第91期:最早的统治者
Tyrannosaurus-Rex may have ruled the Cretaceous, but Allosaurus was the king of Jurassic.霸王龙也许统治了白垩纪,但异特龙才是侏罗纪的王者。2016-09-28 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第92期:恐龙也有高智商
This was typical with plant eaters, but less commonly seen in predators before this time.这在植食性动物中很典型,不过在此前的掠食者中并不常见。2016-10-08 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第93期:牙齿间的博弈
It would probably quickly weaken and lead to death to anything that got the bite on.这样能够使被咬的猎物迅速衰弱直到死亡。2016-10-10 编辑:clover
[侏罗纪搏击俱乐部] 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部(MP3+中英字幕) 第94期:最孤独的掠食者
In 2007, paleontologists of Manchester University made a breakthrough discovery.在2007年,曼彻斯特大学的古生物学家们取得了一项突破性的发现。2016-10-12 编辑:clover